Thursday, June 27, 2024

More research that needs to be done for lying flatt (End of book one, and much of book two)

 Remember reserch? Right, well now much of the story stuff is being worked out in the revisons...

Well when I finish revisons (as part of a stage of my final sunday workshops -beta workshops) 

Evryobe in the worshop meant to kind of gage genral audinces and give feedback even if they will not be a sample of my audince demoprhaic likeley-if my book is mainstream enough it will not matter likley, feedback from gernal readers, (and in this case fellow writres even more vauble) is feedback. On some of the most diffuclt to right -newly writtn -recent scnes (only two but next week the roxy one what they say to change or keep the same or genral opnions should be really illumnating on that)

Things to read for book two to fill in the scenes where he's in the punk scene/CGBS in new york (who are his contepriares /conpanatistion: 1988-1990s

11 LGBTQIA+ punk musicians who changed the genre forever (

Eighties New York Hardcore Photos: CroMags, Bad Brains, Agnostic Front ( 

his rise in the "hardcore scene" at cgbgs (get the terms right, the genres, the bands, the 80s the feel, his sorroundings the attustites -it all so evrthing he does and is (being really openly gay -in that scnee actully isnt that crazy -trying to merge 70's glam with hardcore leather-gay subculture-punk eethestics, to make his own, ending up making "Church punk" to a transgressive relclaming of christain relgious music/idmaity -but punk "jesus was a punk" but also being like a pro gay-just pro shock provocator on the side of being a punk -and a growing charchter in that scene (outside of the scene ) Learning more about the real subctltures will infuence -book two-and how it will go becuase an imporant plot ploint in book two orgnailly is that he is unquinlly transgressive in some way in the scene -but I have to reserch the scene to make sure that still is cultrally relavant -

Ive decided some New lying flatt things are happning:

 New LF updates: 

1. for a new timeline for the whole trilogy -but book one to start (becuase I really need to start making the timeline soon at least for book one even if I can see some serious changes for book two but especially book three coming down the line)

I'm actually using ---the following programs to do it;...

NovelChick | Add New Idea

Plot Factory - Craft Your Universe

Timeline | Preceden

6 types of conflicts in a story (

Download | Aeon Timeline

Pricing – Plottr

Lying Flatt: Full Trilogy Timeline Draft 11. - Google Sheets

xp8m0ngdb6hr07 - Microsoft Apps

Next week In thearpy Im talking about lying flatt (probaly for the next few weeks as well) becuase its the most improant thing in my life rn and I cant become distacted by other things.

Next week in theapry I am talking about lf and nothing else
Ill update her her advice about being true to myself/beinhg athetntic using my name/my perosnity and changing my havrhors in small but focused ways that imrpive me but still own who I am/self love-in ways that actually are focused on improving /affermiing who I am in a realistic and positive way really were the missing peiace/wnhat I was looking for -amd will help me get out of my own way to write/do a lot of stuff now too- 

But LF is the thing in my lf rn and I need to talk with her about it -

(Goal finish revisions by the time I have therapy next week, so I can tell her and celebrate!!)Tell her you finished your book (both all revisions AND full chat gbt edits-and, then that u took her advice to stop going by simion trying to change ur personality it was actually really helpful hard to hear but important and helped you get clarity on -whats important for me, for self improvement, and the best way to do it, for you, moving forward, ---------and it even reminded me of my book a little (themes of lester wanting to be alter ego mack lasher to escape himself ect_ 
SPEAKING OF LF (ill say to her) that's kind of what I most need to talk to u about this week-----
I'm so close to finishing LF I can't be knocked off my course my all this mental stuff -or anything now if anything I need her help to give me the confine to get through all the imposter syndrome /issues feel more confident about my writing/know that that is what is in my life right now

Lying flatt book one: FULL TIMELINE

 Lying Flatt -book one glory days (

1# Writing Self Asssement


Sooooo here's the teap Lying flatt is done  I paid my editor and they edited it I just wanna chill today and tomorrow before school star...