Saturday, March 16, 2024

Post Writers Rock Workshop: Notes, Revisons/what to write for fix for next time. (in two weeks)

 Lying Flatt post workshop notes

1. Re Writes Chili notes.

Rewrite checklist for next two weeks of

Chili peppers concert scnene

and Houseparty Rubin scene

1. Don't have them win Backstage passes on the Radio to see Flea after the show, --  Instead have Lester sneak in backstage, use his FLEA KNOLWAGE, charm and love for flea to impress them/convnce suciurty not to boot him out. Becuase The chillis are impressed by that, instead of kicjing him out for sneaking backstage Instead Flea and him have a special moment and he gives him a job as a roadie (in that order)

2. Shorten car ride talk with Kevin (and hippie jokes scene afterwards) ALOT to keep tension of rushing to the concet to beat traffic, make Kevin just say he's proud of him but not more or less then he says in the Flatt Earther scene. Make Lester and Kevin talk more about Flea and how exited they are and less about they night before, dwell less on the hangover/all that stuff.

3. MOve flattearther first ever macklasher lie/rumor scnee from battel of  the bands to after concert. (Make them a fake band preforming after the chilies on teh roster)

Party scene:

Less is more:

Shorten Trent's dilaouge towards Lester in confriation about rubin after the party make it shorter, blunter in trent's signture tone, reveal less about Trents self, dont even be homopbic just warn him oninouly but firmly in a way that implys alot:    (to just warning him anout Rubuin, Less is more) Dont  have him call out Lester for being gay/be so obvious/close to teh truth about his gay studd with Rubin - keep his homopbobia. 


1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: