Sunday, July 7, 2024

LYING FLATT JOURNEY how far I’ve come: 2022- 2024 lying flatt creative writing memories from starting college to now

 I started Writing lying flatt in 2019 in writopia and returned to it in 2022 my first year of colllege as a freeman with full freedom

Not in an institution for the first time in six years writing this book really saved my life as I’m really closer to finishing and publishing it then I’ve ever been before it’s important to look back as to how far I’ve come 
It’s rare and impressive to write a full well written novel while juggling exteeem mental illness neglected disblities recovery with little to no help from anyone 
A social life :while being a full time college student (pressure for full time employment to please family friends and professors all the while 
Since I started writing lying flatt in 2019
Here’s some of the highlights of my writing journey of the last few years ;

1. Last few writopia workshops including the one I wrote Lf
2. CCNY creative writing club stifff /starting my own workshop (SECOND DRAFTERS) 

3. Writers block IG vent posts insproation trying to push through writers block with my adhd thr jig memes and venting 
4. Sopportive friends boyfriends and people (the types I want to meet more if )
5. Formative experiences for me as a writer even if they weren’t ideal I made the most out of them

Random emails /stuff from CCNY creative writing club 
Promthean mag

Illustration class assignment- on my struggles as a writer 

Groupchats 😆 

CCNY workshop spots 
IG vents about my struggles with procrastination writers block adhd and whatever else was on my mind 
My dorm room 

My boyfriend (s) sopportive or not that all gay loves that I loved and learned from all the Same

1# Writing Self Asssement


Sooooo here's the teap Lying flatt is done  I paid my editor and they edited it I just wanna chill today and tomorrow before school star...