Can we Schedule my next Workshop, for the end of May?

By the way, are u working in the writing retreat this summer?
I couldn't find it on the writers rock website can you let me know the following info about the workshop so I can sign up

1. dates of program
2. cost of program
3. is there a reduced rate available?
4. is there a deadline/due date for applying?

as well as this information for group workshop, so I can sign up for that too?
Workshops — The Writer's Rock (

Amy Dupcak

Tue, Apr 30, 11:31 AM (3 days ago)
to me
Hi Eli, so sorry for the delay! Thank you for inquiring about the retreat, but I should really take that off the website because it's not happening anytime soon. I'll definitely let you know when and if we can run it, though. 

Are you interested in joining a workshop instead of meeting one-on-one? We have completed the sessions your mom paid for, so let me know what you'd prefer.

Elijah Brahmi

Tue, Apr 30, 11:50 AM (3 days ago)
to Amy
Yeah I’m intestreted in signing up for a group workshop this summer are they’re any your doing 

Amy Dupcak

Tue, Apr 30, 11:53 AM (3 days ago)
to me
Gotcha! I'm not sure if I will personally be running a workshop over the summer but I'm going to check in with Jane Young to see her availability. Have you met her? She's really wonderful. :)

Elijah Brahmi

Tue, Apr 30, 8:07 PM (3 days ago)
to Amy
I have not but tell her I would really like to take a group workshop over the summer or several,  with sevral other writers so I could make friends/work on the final parts of lying flatt in a group workshop/have some beta readers? Would prefer to meet in person to if there are any group fiction workshops writers rock is having this summer let me know I’d love to sign up 

So I'm still recovering from top surgery as of 5/3/24, its taking a bit longer then I hoped but oh well more time to write though its not worked out that way with my ahdd, constant worrying and being stressed about the protests/world events, my mom and dad constantly stressing me out and distracting me from my work etc but I hope to limit those things and stay focused now...since my recovery could go on fro an... undermined amount of time now...

Now I'm just finishing up the last of my revisions 
hopefully by the end of the month