Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Final stages of lying flatt writing editing and publishing process (to finish in summer 2024)

  july 29th (summers almost over heres the updated plan to finish my book before I go off to suny New Platz)

My epic, awsome dude plan to Finish Lying Flatt By the end of the summer 2024. (Updated Plan)

So Iv'e made a dession in my life 

To end the lying flatt chapter this summer

I have worked real hard streed out had alot of fun but I have too many other stories to tell both in fiction and in the future of my own life and I cant wait/be stuck any longer -even if the story isnt perfect by the end of the summer, I decided I will send it off to editors be proud of myself, and finally, be done.

It will be the end of an era, so I can finlly move on, mentllay and phycially in my life, to other awsome things. (and wirte all the new side projects and next books I wanna write, start teh killer queens clubs, suny new platz and yes getting help from real creative writing peeps the professinals fro reals for getting it published knowing its a slow process but finally, I will have gotten over this hump -alla the new chapters of my life that await and this dude is happy as hell, he finally reached the summit 

I decided as well im gonna make the timeline for the rest of teh trilogy just as a futrue plan an dlave it on my blog but im not gonna actully start writing book two anymore unlesss book one edns up being a hit, for now, teh lying faltt era is over, the killer queens, dandy creative consuior, mad hatter holding arststic cort, --strting a bunch of new projects not just books breaing out into all the stuff Ive wanted to for ages (but also writing alot of books ive wanted to write for a long time both fanstasy, fun, fanficton for me that ive been to afarid to write and my new holy relgious epic, Cenrtum verioe, and my new side projects, and zienes im really exiedt to write and make -cheers to may years of spilling creative juices may they be filled with the lessons I learned in thease grind, and years of slimy solutite as every artsist must endue in tehri twneties like a snail under a shoe before he returns to chilling on his branch - and bringing the groovy pepole of the world togeteher.

Intro: After being stuck for a while -in my life and on writing lying flatt -frustated with my adhd, lack of creative sopoot, other fun things going on in my life, I realize now I have to move on to my own awsome chapter in my life -i feel so much more awsome and self assured and --and ready to enjoy/life so much more on my own terms take on more enjoyble and adanced creative proejcts -in an eneorment (like new paltz) more to my liking. So since im thiniing bout the future likea  bous now ---(ayooooo.) 

 So duuuude here's the updated final revsions to finish b4 I go to fire island this week: (short -to the point)

Plan to finish lying flatt (book and starting publising process b4 summer endz.)

1. Finsih all revsions b4: I go to fire island this wendsay 8/1

            1.(write rest of battele of teh bands /freak out sceene in the car, 

            2. chili pepers scenes,(lester breaking in backstage rewrite, wooing flea with trivia, earth worms scene afterwards -deleting all reveneg metions ect) 

            1. check off all updated reveions on checklist and high fedility eque, chili pepers defending scene at the start -

3. Actully delete/shroten all sceens in revisons list you havent alrady.

    Expect maybe dont write the chilis camlot scene at the start it might not be needed -- (Expect maybe cut that scene becuase its repttive and wont be funny --or imporant for book two becuase it defeats the perpouse he doesnt have a real reason for liking the chili pepesrs but then again maybe thats why it will be funny, the whole book is Lester faling, trying really hard to convince other charchters and us of things not so suceuflly so maybe this will be another --angle as to how other rock fans at the time viewed the chili pepers as not serious rock witch was sort of true in the early days I donno ?) 

    I'll see...

then once you do that --put the whole thing in : An editing softwhere do your best to edit the whole document (thoughtfully knowing your limits with dyslexia )

Do -find replace (Captail Letter all charchters names, all band names, and all other word tht should be cpatsized)

Try to manually fix formatting for douage, parrgaph breaks ect.

Try to update chapter tittles throught 

This Wensday text dad/mom make sure you get allwonce from both -Then afetr reveing Venmo allwonce (make sure to get it Wenday before going to fire isalnd for fire island expenses but spend it -on book related expnsese first -)

-Make sure to spend ur fire island money -next Venmo alleonce yo get:

Pay for full spellcheck service On Feiver: 

Make sure its cheap but well vetted editoir on Feiver: (basded on eitors creitnails, hsitory, pricing, and wordcount):


2. (talking to editors about prices -tell them when your done/have final word count hopfully arround 678)

Elevenlabbs (download the whole book as an audiobook)

Use josh's voice -

email it to yourself listent it for mistakes -while looking at book

then just listen to it genral, makes sure it sounds good overall for 

1. pacing

2. Tone

3. That scenes dont go on too long

3. Humor,

4. cahrchter consisnacty 

5. ect

If theres any more mistaeks change them now, 

genrally send the book to your mom and dad for feedback as a final masuncrpt for feedback -but make it known they are a beta reader whatever they say they are no longer making changes make it down this si the books final form email final mssucprt pdf to mom, dad, jada, and nathainal

- Finally text to james for fianl feedback on musical things (like gutair types ect) what musical rock/geeks will think?

-After that whatever pepole say (Don't actully wait just send it out while in fire isalnd and keep working)

When your manscurpit is fially done -at some point whole in fire island when you jhave some time to chill on the beach/hotel:

Start working on your querry letter ---Find more information on what to do for your qurry letetr here: in your lying flatt publising plans /doucments:,  

Revisons /Quarry letter insurctions:

-required to write quarry letter 

1. Chapter one of book /actully good summury (ask freind/mom afgter reading book if quarry letter is good)

2. review list of publisers/agents to look at (ones from big five, who have already published books simalr to yours, as well as ones who are new ish agents looking for new hits -

(after/end of fire isalnd trip -I get more venmo money/save over 25 dolalrs) After Do all teh stuff requied for quirrying: Start the probeley long (hopfully not too long) hunt for a good, solid liattatry agent (make sure to vett tem before quarrying: (and keep doing that on and off for months until you get one you trust to get you the best publishing deal possile! Yayyy)



Triogy: timeline to send to Publishers to explain its the first book of a trilogy thast fully planned out you will write the next two books, if the first one is succefull, get a fandom and is open to feedback about stuff for the alter books and all that: But unlike alot of writers I defilfty always did have a plan you can just check my blog since the whole story statted at book three in 2019 techolagy and I started over at the belogging, in chrolgical order.

Lying faltt trilogy plans: (send to publisiers if they want more conext)

-Wen u return to nyc on 8/6 from fire island -afetr aprtying and having gay fun/carfree clebrating the end of sumemr with etein meetng pepole going to the beach having  agreat time 

and you already started the quarrying process -witch you will contruie all throght school:

Last weeks of agsut: Last lying flatt -realted things to do 

2. final syep 1: Print out Lying flatt (propper copy to taek to new patz with you:) Order 1/2 copies: lying flatt to be fully bound and printed cover and all:

1. (printig at B/noble is best )

(reminder: take out some books on rock n roll from the liababry before gong to new platz, just dont give them back)



    1. Last lying flatt things to do: Promote my book: 

        Becuase, I cant afford a pr agent but I denfily am a shamless nerd --and i have ideas I have exited to try out:

1. Re-start lying faltt socail media accounts on instgram (rebrand IG to be lF promo page) bassicly doing what I tried some years ago, as a fun form of book premotion : As if lester flatt himself is running the account really wanst you to buy his book is sharing random momments from his life/highlist from the book/art (as if its his art)

2. Premote (his band) find a band to copslay as the band from the book and make a concept abulm to preomot ethe hell out of the book : (do this later) put up "band wanted -for collba album realse" psoters in nyc and new platz and reddit -conact thaat band u heard about on IG the lovely bones, ect, maybe get tims band try and find a band (if not its cool use AI? hopfully not) would be cool to collab/proemote  real rock band for a tie in album--

3. dress up as Lester Flatt, in arg go to red hot chilis concerts -tag them, (as their biggest fan) (to get buzz) 

Instgram account premoting for all lying faltt art  overth years -in one place one gallary:

, and charchter ARG -to permote book, website: (my lying flatt website Cardio) premot ethe hell out of it, redesgin lf webitte -

2. Also to tie in your actual book blog -raise awarness for writers struggels with dyzliexia and adhd -try and as a joke make ur last few blog postss be from lester faltts eperspective -or mack lahsrs perspectve -as if he took over and is finishing the deal, for me (was like this gohst writer memoirst dude is taking to long man this is rock n roll we dont hae time for this!) meta we love to see it and just premote all that silly stuff, into the wolrd, every now and then, write random places in nyc "Gay is the most punk rock thing u can be" and "mack lasher farted here" and random other things with a link to the lying flatt webiste hopfully witha tie in to the band (if I get one) that would be very punk rock thing to do (at the locations the book is set like 

Kiss , (write in permnate marker /tag for the book (vandilize? noooo) put a sticker on the wall -

no tape the lying faltt poster, with a razor , a metrocard, and a gutair pick taped underneath --

1. Where cgbs used to be

2. Trash and vaudvile

3. deinftly...christopher street bench 

and random other places

that would just be, badass -just a final thing --arround nyc at all the hot spots ---all the spots tapping it up (gluingit supergluing the posters) in  way it cant be taking down: 

I make posters preomoting the book, and also just being super punk rock,

New young flatt cover?


Vent -

Planning on chilling and actually finishing working on lying flatt in fire island!!! 

1# Writing Self Asssement


Sooooo here's the teap Lying flatt is done  I paid my editor and they edited it I just wanna chill today and tomorrow before school star...