Tuesday, February 6, 2024

(Book two one shots) Blue Velvet (Wally x Lester) Lovers in Bed.

“Why, not just…take some of Rodrick’s suggestions, make at least the B side a crowdpleaser, you could recycle one of your old classics, like Jearsy Girls, Kevin always did love that one…” Wally beat the dust out of an old sheet, making our bed behind me as I fiddled with old broken pins that no longer fin on My Leather Jacket in the ash Trey, fossils some of them.

“Why don’t you give it up”

“Darling…Comprimise some go so far as to call, a necessary evil in your belvoved bussniss, and I find that spoon full of honey, tends to help the Oveftly Anti-Fascist musical occumnuiment go down, if you understand-”

“for the last time, no. How many times are we gonna go in circles on this”  I sighed. My eyes were fixed to his paper doll figure as I glanced up in the cracked mirror, as he slide out of his Satin Drawrs, into his Indigo Kamono behind his stolen lily Parttion adorned with cranes and bamboo, sliterthing under the comforter, and lighting a cigarette from his pet collection by the bedsite table. He turned off the Second hand stained glass lamp, leaving the room in a heavy Blue only illuminated by the Dim Glow of the Night, and city lights outside. I could hear some, slow Jazz sizzling up from an apartment across from the Hotel, oh great jazz..that cant be a goos sign. I turned arround and just starred at him, the silent treatment was tright and true beside it’s easy to forget what’s going on when he stares at you, god he was perfect…even when he was wrong. I just crossed my arms as he beckoned me to bed, his perfect pale pinup outline soaked in the blue velvet of the night, He cocked his head back and blew a steam of smoke. 

“Darling…one of those songs has got to go, the revolution will not be undermined one song”

“No! Why do I have to compromise man, I told you this, I told Roddie and his agent this either he’s paying for the whole album or none of it, im not comprsimg my vision for anybody dude. Ugh, Im tired of being forced to live up to other peoples standards, where im always on the fucking bottom, always trying and climbing and one inch, one win, one word away from success but…it’s by your standards, you ever changing bullshit standards that I was never meant for, that arent even smart and have never produced anything worthwhile!! from now on im going to live by my own fucking standard, how’s that?”

“Sounds like a cop out, darling”

“What do you know about rock bottom huh, you…who’s been handed everything”

“Yes, but things always did seem to slip through, limp rist you know…” He said, letting his hand fall. 

“You know, your no better then me, that shit’s just as much of a cop out”

“What is?”

“Playing into those, tired stereotypes…”

“What stereotypes?” Wally smirked, playing dumb to mess with me, and dufise the tension was one of the oldest trick in the book. Well it wasnt gonna work this time, his whole voice of reason routine, I wasnt cutting that song, I had given up everything to get this, the smallest big of fame, nottrifty, from a record company…from all the people who told me all my life I’d never be worth the shit on their shoes, so this time, for once, its going my way. He just smiled at me, that earnest undisirbricble grin that just get’s you every time, and started cackling untrobly letting his robe fall to expose his bare chest as he clutched it with laughter. 

“You know what forget it.” 

“Yes…Why don’t we talk about this in the morning, it’s just…”

“Just What?” I said, starting to crack up and weeze too, as he leaned over beating my back from laughing so hard…oh man you see what I mean? 

“What? What the the hell is so funny?”

“I Just L-Love you, so much” He weezed, coming too, with a overblown smile, matted hair and tears in his eyes. Wow im gald, being complicit in “the man” trying to censor my rock n roll career is so hilarious to him. I rolled my eyes and pouted to let him know…he did not win, as he kissed me on the cheek, then the lips, then…

“I love you too…I just”


“I Really want people to like it”

“Well…you know I love it, I dont always understand every musical corse of action that was taken behind the scenes but of course, that’s not my forte mainly so…but I’ve been telling you since day one I simply can’t get enough of-”

“No, nevermind this is a stupid conversation, Im a rock god, im literally playing CGBGs a mosh pits every night for three years in a row, and I’m a pro, why the fuck are am I even wasting time with-”

“What? Doubts?”
“What? No…I have no doubt this going to be the Album event of the summer”


Lying Flatt (book two ideas)

 Lester auditions to be the singer of a new super coprate shitty hair metal band out of Hoboken called THRUST because he can’t get a hold of beans or Lenny in California to get his band back together so Kevin convinced him in the time being to pay rent dispite his need to keep up “Mack lawyer suscess lie and his massive ego to sing for other bands 

So he takes him and  Wally to an audition in Hoboken looking for a lead singer in his range and he’s last at the audition, but when he finally goes up to sing 🎤 his like blows and the sound cuts out 

So Lester has no backing vocals and has to sing the song he doesn’t even know ACAPELLA 

But he does it anyway and because he memorized it by watching all the other autions knew the names of the players and mimicked the sounds of their instruments and just had the sheer confidence to pull it off 

He gets the job 

But after a few gigs with this band he hates it their boring coprate backed demand he loose waight and any songs that he wants to sing are shit down because they don’t appeal to the bands straight white male audience they try to fit him in a sensitive but still sexy fat singer with massive pipes mold like meatloaf but he hates this band dispite the money and is already looking for reasons to leave 

Meanwhile Wally keeps dodging letters and calls from his father the dean of Princeton claiming all kinds of old stuffy bullshit

That Wally needs to get back to campus right away or he’ll be expelled and cut off

And if he wants to have a homosexual relationship with his roomates washed up, rock star brother then he can forget about grad school or the Paris trip

So when Lester’s New agent gets thease letters their confused and concerned 

They ask if he’s gay and he says yeah he never denied it irs the most rock n roll thing there is his agent confused and offended because of the fanbase now the fanbase of THRUST who wouldn’t keep buying their records if they found a ut such news 

Also we’re getting fed up with Lester’s drinking drugs praying with Wally and Kevin at Honky Tonks, drag bars and skater rinks /disco clubs on the road and playing shows FOR FREE for homless busters when the band would stop for gas or motels just because they could. 

So finally at the end of their line in San Francisco the band kicked Lester out when they find a new Lead singer super skinny buff, with blonde hair a spray on tan and a thick black mustache that you could see from space golden physique and Peariced nipples and evrthing wearing even more Learher then Lester was. His name was Coach Riot he was an ex Dancer and has a rock n roll voice with more range then Lester but in a higher register Yep that guy was definitely “straight” this band sure new how to pick em. 

While in San Francisco Lester celebrated his 18th birthday with Wally and Kevin 

Les lemebted the fact on tour he never got to do much here 

BUT in his rock god Mack lasher days he was the toast of San Francisco he misses those days 

Kevin who knows he’s lying to Wally about being famous still wing man’s and says you’ll get ur glory back who needs that band anyway so they try ti have some fun while there go to a bar on the Castro Wally gets picked up by an artist type almost right away 

Who takes the three of them back to his loft 

He’s a werido one of those 80s freaks with modern art/art installations everywhere 

He’s gay but thinks he’s above getting aids becuase he’s ab artist abd he’s rich even though he still has sex his house is filled with weird art shit wity weird expressionistic names like 

A clock on the floor lester trips over called 

“The folly of man”

Then Wally says SOMETHING rye and sarcastic like 

Hmm, well that’s apt?  

Or a Giant upsidown squid made of bubble wrap with florsent lights inside that took up the whole half of the room with tenclrs spilling over into fire escape so much so making it unusable 

With a musem label hanging off to the side on an anchor made of plastic called 

“Enoriormrntal prolapse”

And one on the ceeling

Of just one single blade of grass glued to tje ceeling in the dead center 



He gets them very drunk talks them

Up about life philosophy ssn Franso what’s happening why the east coast music scene is where it’s at abd they shount bother coming out here not even when their famous on the nature of fame abd truth and power and whover has the truth had power and will never wild it for good a prolific conversation for the themes of the book

Then as the night goes on

The older artist guy asks them to have a threesome they decline because Kevin is Lester’s brother but Lester convinces Wally to do it with him because sex drugs and rock n roll is something he promised to teach him 

And so they do and have good time dispite Kevin’s confusion 

The next day the guy sleeps in Kevin finds out he’s married and is actually not just any older artist who likes picking up barly legal boys but Is none other then Philip Oakey lead singer of the human league pop group from a couple years ago that one song that was everywhere “don’t you want me baby” a one hit wonder if you ask me what happened to him? 

Anyway they sneak out before he can wake up and before giving up and trying to hitch a ride back to Princeton so Wally and Kevin can face the music for missing a week of class on one of Lester’s labs rock n roll escapees 

They stumble into a bar headlining an Elton John cover band called “Bennie and the jets” 

Witch just happens to be one of the most sleezy gay/keroke /strip clubs in San Francisco The Music Box Areana 

And our boys will never guys who the cover band made of playing right before them?

Beans and Lenny! They were in San Francisco the whole time! They never left California it turns out 

Book two scene /content ideas 

Book two of lying flatt: 

Lying Flatt Brand new Book two ideas:

Lester stealing Lou Reeds recording studio  then the Vekvets actually listening to Lying Flatt tape with Poltics And Relgion song he was recording in their studio that turns out to be a huge 8 min long rock n roll opus sampling gothic Choir and human screams and the notoriously cold Lou reed himself is actually impressed after that /so he hunts him down and starts premoting his band and letting them open for them at CBGBs Somtimes if they can proove themselves 

Lester comes back from red hot chilies tour to Princeton to find Beans and Lenny back from California, broke start Elton John cover band called either the Jets or The Tiny Dancers

Lester and Wally sneak into Srudio 54 just by looking cool and confident enough 

Lenny has lunch with Lou reed before realizing who he is.

Trent dies of aids (more pepole die of aids b4 Orgygate to highlight the moral/stakes of Orgy gate) 


Red hot chili Peppers lore:

SInce anthony Keddis in real life had a drug addiction to herioin (timelines match up) that almost destroyed his life, (constnaly leaving running off tour to find drugs, the band forced him to go ro rehab or quit, ect.) during the time of Lester being on tour with them

Instead of an early idea of having the conflict that forces Lester to be kicked off the tour, early, be Flea is spending too much time romantically and he makes him a drug dealer for him and the band and it makes flea distracted drawing a rift between him and the band who force Flea to let him go

What if, instead, for Lester’s arch, Flea tells anthony he’s sleeping with this Roaide not a groupie but he’s like crazy about him and there still be the conifct during the tour as Lester’s Flea’s favroite, doing all these drugs and crazy things to please him spending more time with flea away from the band and Jude/the other roadies, Anthony is jealous and mad at Flea…and the rest of the band for making the ulmiatum about sending him to Rehab, (fudge timelines for dramatic effective, narrative ect) So instead what if Anothy Jelous of Lester and having motive due to the tensions with his band over cracking down on him for his serious Heroin addiction, is the one who makes Lester the mule, teaching him how to buy drugs from sellers (just as his dad would have) and showing him the dark underbelly of hollywood, and the music industry witch density comes back later, and Lester goes along with it but anthony basically blackmails Lester to lie to Flea, that he’s doing this, (Helping Anothy get drugs, lying to flea about it while still sleeping with him and having a relationship with him basically behind the scenes while being a roadie, all the while lying to all of them that he’s a famous rock star “Mack Lasher” and has seen all this before…when really he’s freshly 18 year old kid so wildy out of his depth. Because to tie it into the Atalata show (When Lester and the other roadies form a band, an end up filling in for the opener who dropped out, he writes a song that in a very obvious metaphor basically spells out exactly what’s going on and Flea know’s, so he kicks Anothy out of the band but before he does he explains everything to Flea, but he lies and says that Lester kept him on heroin and was doing it on the side himself, and hiding it from you because he knew how Flea felt about it so, also drops the hint Mack Lasher isnt who he says he is, getting the hint it would be good to get out anyway before his cover could be blown, so Anthony is given a second chance (sent to rehab) Lester get’s heartbroken for the second time this time by his lifelong rock n roll idol, by Flea, his favroite person in the world since he could remember, by someone by this point he truly was in love with and wanted to stay with and be with, over some drugs and lies, Like rubin this just renforces in his mind as he is, even though he wasnt fully himself with Flea he still gave too much of himself away, told him too much like bonding over their love of cetrian bands, and abusive drunk fathers. But now what he takes away also, dont trust your idols,dont trust anyone,  become better then them. Also he himself gets deepr into drugs to cope, mostly Weed since he secretly kept most of what anothy made buy, after being kicked off the tour before having to return to princon in shame, says goodbye to Jude and promises their Roaide band will ruinite and Jude is welcome after the tour with him to join his band anytime, jude thanks him (Jude who he also slpet with is sad to see him go, warned him not to get too close to the band) -that would be a superior, plotline.

Update!!! (In Lying Flatt's Publishing Jounrnry!!!) Today I had the first creative minds writing club/creative writing club of the semster!!!


    Today was the first CCNY creative writing club meeting of the year! (we still only meet once a month but that's ok!) It went great it was so great to see everyone again though Feli was only there on my phone, and Imran wasn't there at all though we got to hang out Afterwards in the libabry and catch up and might even be writing/directing a short film together now. But the club was great, It was awsome to see Chris, Corrine, Angela and I was presently surprised at how many new people joined, and actually participated, wanted to come back and suggested a prompt consitring most new people usually only come once and never again and barely participate or share their own stories when they do write. It was bittersweet though because we found out this is Corrnine and Angela's last year with the club so next year they will have to pass the torch to me, chris to run it, and imran and feli. I think chris would be a great president, and I a secretary or Feli but only the year can tell. Im excited for the future of the club. considering my Dispioinment at Second Drafters my own creative writing club I created last year and ran last year online with half the members quite successfully if short-lived that I had to announce wouldn't be becoming a school club this semester, the club going so well was just the bumb of success I needed with a rough, depression confusion filled first week of school! Especially with how well my writer's rock workshops have been going!

    Even so, that's not even the best part of the day! Later that day after I hung out with Imran in the library, -after we both got pizza down the street/talked of making short films together down the line etc, I went back to school to meet back up with Chris, and Corrine, to attend a once in a Lifetime event that Corrine stressed was important not to miss. The president of PENQUIN RANDOM HOUSE PUBLISHING CAME TO SPEAK AT OUR SCHOOL!!!!

It was so AWSOME !

Here are some of the notes I took at his Speach about the inns and outs of the publisging industry and my plan for publishing lying flatt going forward 

Brain Tart (random house publisher) lecture notes

  • good time to be a writer 

  • Competition - reason to speed up ur process on ur book theirs demand 

  • Lit agents 15% of ur advance 

  • Editors IN PUBLISHING HOUSE spend a lot of time convincing lit agents to get the best books on the market 

  • All agents will send ur book 📚 to many publishers all the big ones what they want is for several to choose ur book 📚 so an auction can happen 

  • Can u guys predict a demographic based on the book/book topic to sell to 

To find more community of writers /

  • go to more book fairs 

  • Local Bookstores (find more bookstores, ask about events /say ur an upcoming author 

Ways to find lit agents to email for LF 

After writers rock - no longer try to hire a developmental editor - copy edit yourself or with ur mom 

All publishers have in house editors.

(Will edit ur spelling /ur book alot and try to sell it to publishing houses ) 


Find out who represents books similar to lying flatt in the acknowledgments of books Similar to lying Flatt In genre /tone/subject matter 

Send query Email to lit agents as many as you can

Not with sample of lying flatt (not at first ). 

But just saying who u are asking if their interested in publishing u based on filling their market gap /what other things they have on the market. 

Questions to ask 

1; how to sell a trilogy ? Do u buy it all at once if the person has only written one or?

2. How does one get/find a good literary agent what are some good ways to represent you ? 



1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: https://docs.google...