Saturday, April 20, 2024

Websites /Plans to make (Full trilogy map/plan) Full timeline of whole tilogy:

I have plan to start doing this soon, to start making a timeline of the whole trilology laid out as I work on it, epsically starting book two, too keep track of the progress, and updates Ive made but also the future plans. I have a few options I plan to have a real life and online timeline of the whole trilogy not just the current book I'm working on, both on my wall and online symortnaously, and add to them all the time:

I plan in real life to make a board/with a different white posterbaord for every novel so there's enough room for every plot point focusing on lester's charchter arc/evelaution and of course keeping track of his lies, love interests and influence on rock n roll, and a list of crazy shit he's done/or rather hasn't done/a poster in my room for it, like a conspeiry board of  lying flatt's rock n roll plot points and a string/stciky notes with new pilot points or taking ones away with ease if they are no longer to be included in the final story. Hung right above my desk in my dorm with easy access (picture posted when fully made with cover mock ups for each book in toe) I will show Amy of course when its finished.

Options for the online timeline I can easily access: 

(a timeline format, I can link here/and in my googledrives of course for constant updating/acess)

1. Make google slides power point: 

Back up ideas: Websites to use to make the timeline: (Though most of these are meant for fantasy novels/workdbuilding) 

Characters (Lying Flatt: Triligloy full three book outline/plan) (

World Anvil Worldbuilding tools & RPG Campaign Manager | World Anvil

Obsidian - Sharpen your thinking

Fantasia Archive - The Free, Offline World Building and Documenting Tool


Kanka - Online tabletop RPG campaign manager and worldbuilding tool


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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: