Saturday, April 20, 2024

Just finished most recent writers rock workshop, on Webnsday of last week!!! It went so well!!!

 I few days ago, on Wednesday, 2pm. I had my most recent Writers' Rock workshop with AMY Dupeck, and it went extremely well! And at Last she confirmed that she's done, /all cought up!After a bought one/two sessions per month since last year, she has now read my whole book/done feedback and edtits on the whole 500 page draft up untill this point! I still have to do sevral revsions from previous workshops im a bit behind now, because there was so many and life got in the way (in ttruth my own, procransataion station) Witch...being Simion shold serulsy, counter in the future, as he does not have the same self pitying artstic, woryth ethtic as I did (more on that later/read my other blog posts about the superslves I am Simion when I am and when he's writing the books/its aproched from a whole diffrnenet artstic lense, no more writers block no more self docubt no more all the youtube adhd bs gettuibgf in the way from me wriying my resvsions at the pace I needed /wanted to in the past untill now)

One-on-One Sessions — The Writer's Rock (

By-The-Word Sessions — The Writer's Rock (

So what she said, was very comoftring, as we talked about the CBGBS scene scenes she read but more so this time the trilogy overall, A timeline i plan to make

both in irl posters

and online powerponts/on programs I will send to her when im done

I said I will ask her when I want/need our next workshop probaly by the time I get a bit more done on our workshops witch I have a bit more secured on the checklist. 

But I plan too, during this time, while I recover from top surgury 

I will during spring break, finish all revisions on checklist and email amy about it.

before I finish wriying my philosophy essay.

All and all Wenaday's workshop was some of my most productive in ages:

and telling Raine about it dispite the fact that I haddent worked on it/my revsions as much as I'd like/had time/motivation becuase of recent interpseronal drama/that I hassnt cared about as much as I was forced too/was made to be upset about and get warpped up in/disttacted from my writing to deal with I got serioysly motivated /reminded that I (especially Simion and Lucien with their better methods and apriches to writing motigtion and creativity) can and will dispite all odds finish my developmental draft by the end of the semester just like I planned. So Im feeling good about finishing the reviosioons by the end of my early june, and getting a copy edtior/creative methods to fix/proof all the spelling withoiut spending loads of money(1,000's on eevery edtior hirring website) on a copy edtior or straight up phoning it in.

        Right after me and Amy's workshop I had, my LGBT Poetry group, and even though only two of us showed up, it was very friends and relaxing. Unlike the one last month where I wasn't able to write a poem because I was having too much fun talking to Raine and their MFA friends, Plus the poetry group, had us doing a poetry exercise that, I found extreemly diffcult however fun and diffreent from what I am used to, with the poeteunial for a unsueal poem, nevertheless simple and too hard fopr the midcuure simple, verse poem it would neveless produce. (method I never did from last week below) This week, 4/17 workshop below on poetic connections, and it was very fun, as I finished my writing workshop on zoom and did the poetry pompt using teh word soup prompt of a series of words on teh chalkworkd (prompt: use the following words in a poem) of course Raines poem using their own words/soup prompt was iconic and beautiful short poem as they read it, 

usint the theme of spring...I told Raine I was getting top surgery and I was exited, they gave me advice and it was nice, we talked exitildy abouyt the upcmomhg Promethean/school literary journal launch party I look foraard too every year, coming up on may 5th that were both attending/

having work publisjed in, and jow I hope to have my reocvery be finsuhed by then in time to attend, if not chris will have me a book.

This is the poem I wrote this week, actully proud of it the best poem I wrote in lgbt workshop in ages:

The cut out colalge poem I refused to do the previous workshop in question:

By cutting out the best words from magzines with sizors and knives and gluinig them to matt papper/collage papper making cut out poems that way though I never did this was too hard though I might try this poetry method another time

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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: