Monday, April 22, 2024

Updated LF publishing plan: timeline:


My Super Spifiifc and Awsome personal writing/publishing scedule for this year: In case you wanted to know/help out artists/writers in need:

(The plan -Phase one of my writing career serious upogreate: ) 

*Eli can be so Podestrain, but he's a sweetheart, a real honnest heartfelt son of a bicth he's been dpoing a lot of heavylifting, dealing with alot of sad confused pepole who dont quite get what he's trying yo do, so dont worry, I'll take over from here* 

                                                                            -Simion, puts out ciggrete on father's shoe: 

    "Why dont' you tell him, what you really feel!"

"Ok simion, Dad, Stop Asking me if I'm getting a Job (I'm not.) Stop telling me what youy think about ISreal, frankly I never want to hear that name again from you or anywhere else, I stand with Plastine and you will never change my mind abouyt that, I dont think Iseal is good for jews, i dont think it has a right to exist, Its been commiting a Genocice yes, genocide agsint Palistine now, and the blood is on our hands, so Please if your gonna say such vile things, just dont even come arround and dont even talk to me or my freinds or family! You know talk like that, you bringing it up never ending, backing me into a cornner when I tried to change the subject is the ecatct reason why I avouded the family for over a year, its gross your all gross, why would I want anytjing to do with it! I am done! I am so tired stop bringing it up, its so morally gross, I just can enver look at you the same way again, how, how can you be ok with whats going on, or talk about it the way you do, you dont understand the world, your not a far leftist, your not a jew, a peacfull follower of god, your just a minless foloower of empure, not willing to look past the nartives you've been chained to all your life, not willing to wake up, I am not gonna be like you, I never was, I dont want to be, I have no disire to be. I have no more resentment for you sending me awway all those years ago, I have simply sadness for what you have become, I thought you were better and I dont awlays have the paiteinece to teach you kidness, empathy, the truth, becyase you often paint me with a brush of agression when that is firstly triggering becuase of my imprsionemt, and my backround witch I am tried of reminding youy the extreemness of, trying to reocver from extreem CPDS having so much grace for you, in how you were brainwashed but you still did have a role, you still send your only son away when you didnt have to, and shouldnt not have. And, you needed to do more reserch.

But I have so much grace for you when it seems you have so little for me, witch I have no time for. 
You dont seem to understand, I dont want a conventunal life...I cant...One with 9/5 jobs, and "stablity?"

I question if that is even real, most of my life has been a constant madness outside my controll

The only way to taim the madness I think, I often fear, is to claim it to, be one with it, to make peace with it, to realize the sosicty's true madness all along, and to...make art, with others, about what's real to you, regaradless of what the aprroveal of old gods, old prediseeients or masters, doctors, or fathers.

I must be free, most pepole dont know what freedom is because they have neevr lived without it.

 I probably wont have a 9/5 job like that, Im disblabed and society's expnations of pepole to work themselves to death, in order o justify living is something im trying to get away from. You paid for me to get tortured in boarding school most of my life, as meture and world weary I feel, I also feel rendered totally...most days, fucking...fucking...fucking...fucking...fucking....fucking...trapped in my teenage years mentally witch is gross and idol and I hate it and it makes me puke I dont think its true but in a sense that, I need to develop beyond this thing with my parrents it makes me scream, 

I dont need to prove to them or anyone else on the fucking pllanet

I am indepent, that I am normal that I am a good person, that I am deserveing of being on my own, havning my own money my own empure, making my own shit in this world pepole like me are robbed of fucking everything everthing in the enetire fucking world made importenent beyoind belifef. 

You can't imagine the life we have led, and 

is half the way im like this mom/dad-so dont act surprised. I never said I was going To have a conventual life, for the masses, for most people that would be easy to understand or to process. People just say "get a job" I have other things in mind, for myself and my life, I really do, and I always have. 

Regardless of how angry I am about how things are going privitly in my own world they are gonna change and I dont have to prove shit to anyone ever

_---You never did, you only ever had to do what you were always gonna do, and pepole are alwyas gonna do whatever their gonna do, but they cant stop you, you always feel so much you little jew, but dont let the world fuck that out of you, the world enver feels, you can remind it how to feel that wouldnt be so bad? your the last of the human race, not just race, ya see, keep feeling keep doing and they can keep squaking you tune em out, dont worry im here to help you now, nagvgiate them maze, I know they hurt you before but im here now...I know the shit can be complex but dont worry we gonna write this book together not for them not to prove some physcpsmatoc personal sprit quest bullshit, but becuae its your life, its your book and its gonna be the best fucking thing to hit shelves since...the anchrist cookbook, trust me with me at the wheel, this shit is gonna be a breeze, al the lonely pepole be danmed its the cool cat's along for the ride that matter anyway"


The thing Is I want to be an Author because its in my bones and no one beliving in me is not true exactly but its still, true, I dont even want to be taken seriously on the same plane as them, those other popeole...

Master Plan to Publish Lying Flatt by the end of the year: 

1. Finish the Developmental Draft by the end of April -Mid May:

April 22-

           1. While I recover from top surgery, finish all of LF revisions that I can.

                1. Finishing All Writer's Rock Revisions Packet Checklist. Lying Flatt: Writers Rock Revison Check List: Started - Google Docs

                    2. Resolve all of Amy's Comments:  

                    2 1/2. Finish drawing/coloring/upating adding in all the rest of the LF Illistrations, and new front cover and Album covers.

                    3. Read the whole thing back to Yourself by Speechify/Eleven Labbs *josh* as Audiobook: See how it sounds, for flow, for humor, for tone, spelling Mistakes.

(Other imporant stuff I waill SLAY this month: 

            Before May 20th finish and submit Philosophy Final, go to Promthean laucnh party may 7th, read poetry/attend creative wrighting open mic somtime in may/ plan vacation to san fran in july:)

                    4. (May 25th) Email Amy Dupeck -for the Final two Workshops with her like she told me too /(to approve how the last few revisions came out, 

                 Final workshop to ask her if, the whole thing is Good in her eyes, as a manscuurpt, and is good to be Proofed for spelling, if she has any advice for that aside from hiring a copy edtitor? And if thinks I shoudl get some beta readers in a Writers Rock workshop before I send it out to Lit Agents)

                5. Ask Amy if she can send LF to any Beta readers she knows, /recommend it to any agents she knows.

                5. Go on a summer Writers rock group workshop Workshops — The Writer's Rock ( and summer Writers Rock summer writing retetrat get away for a week or so Retreats — The Writer's Rock ( To get other adult/reader/writers opnions on the finished manuscript of LF (final bits of feedback) write some other short stories, and meet some new writer freinds ADULT WRITOPIAAAA  GETTING MY WRITER GROVE BACK BABYYYY!!

        6. Hire a copy editor, on Feiver, or Readsy: More info on Lying Flatt publshing doc:

          1. Ask Mom /Dad for money to pay editor: (next few weeks allownce advance?)           

        1.if they say no, Get the money for Copy edtior (cheapist one possibble) By selling vauble perosnal belgingings (regalress of what parrents say)

        7. If I cant get Copy Edtior at All, Ask mom/dad, Amy, as many professors pepole as you know to help edit/ SPELLING ONLY (in sections) if they have time this summer : 

        8. *(LAST RESPORT) If not using, Grammarly, edit full manuscript yourself (on sctrict time scedule from June 8th-14th) 

        9. (Mid June-End of Summer) Sumbit Finished (fully Revised, Aproved By amy, beta read, proofed- FINAL/FINSIHED!!  LF book one masucript to as many LIT agents, and Queery's as possible!!!

1. Pay to sign up/get subsrcrution to Publishers marketplace:

2. : Best quarry's to sumbit for in June: (pride month great time for sumbit for a LGBT YA book witch LF techhehcly is:)


  1. Query Submission (

  2. Register | Publishers Marketplace

  3. Query Submission (

  4. Query Submission (

  5. Query Submission (

  6. Query Submission (

  7. Contact and Submissions - Aevitas Creative Management

  8. Chris Bucci - Aevitas Creative Management | QueryTracker

  9. Duotrope: Find publishers and agents. Track submissions. Get published.

Okay, let’s assume you’re ready. Every agent has unique requirements for submitting your materials. The most common materials you’ll be asked for:

  • Novel synopsis. This is a brief summary (usually no more than one or two pages) of your story, from beginning to end. It must reveal the ending. Here’s how to write one.

    • Novel proposal. This usually refers to your query letter, a synopsis, and perhaps the first chapter. There is not an industry-standard definition of what a novel proposal is.

    • Sample chapters. When sending sample chapters from your novel or memoir, start from the beginning of the manuscript. (Don’t select a middle chapter, even if you think it’s your best.) For nonfiction, usually any chapter is acceptable.

    Important: Almost no agent accepts full manuscripts on first contact. This is what “no unsolicited materials” means when you read submission guidelines. However, almost all agents will accept a one-page query letter unless their guidelines state otherwise. (If they do not accept queries, that means they are a completely closed market.)

    After you send out queries, you’ll get a mix of responses, including:

    • No response at all, which means it’s a rejection. Don’t sweat it—this is normal. Move on.

    • A request for a partial manuscript and possibly a synopsis.

    • A request for the full manuscript.

    If you receive no requests for the manuscript or book proposal, then there might be something wrong with your query. If you succeed in getting your material requested, but then get rejected, there may be a weakness in the manuscript or proposal.


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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: