Saturday, January 13, 2024

Lying Flatt Book One: "Glory Days" plot Outline

Lying Flatt : Plot Outline (as of 12/29.23)

  1. Prologue: Herb Bean modern-day queer music YouTuber makes a viral video on Lester Flatt (who has been missing from the timeline for 40+ years) showing through live intverviews that he is a very controvsual figure, and an unreliable narrator. Only for Herbs video to go viral overnight and bring Lester out of hiding emailing Herb, vowing he is now going to write his own Tell all memoir to prove all of his “false allegations his bring up again” wrong once and for all and set the record straight, telling his own story his way. (Witch is what the rest of the book series is)

  1.  Chapter One:  

  2. Lester gives the backstory on his parrrents and early childhood, growing up cirtstan, and repressed in Ewing township New Jearsy in the early 1970’s. (His folks were amish/memnoite hippie hating christians who only gave brith to him and his two older brothers to grow up to bring tjem out of poverty and be good christian americans, but Lester quickly reailzed he was born for a different fate -Rock n roll)

2. Chapter Two: 

  • He talks about verioious key childhood expires half of witch are lies like that him and his childhood band (All of witch were made up of the the same OG members, Lenny, Beans and sometimes KEVIN his brother when he could spare time from church or studying) like he talks about being famous and the time met andy worhol ect. Crazy past stories mixed in with totally normal ones like growning up like him playing with the rolling stones and him jerking off to Flea for the first time and getting walked in on. He’s an unreliable narrator but you forget that fast.

  1. (1985 when Lester is 15) Him and his brother Kevin the only one he’s close with, his only friend on earth try to start their latest band to take to the big time, Kevin is reading Lesters lyrics they come up with a name for their new band in his bedroom -Bad Desions (Establish their contrasting personalities, close brotherly bond)

  1. Lester’s parrntes fat Shame him/dont invite him to dinner (its clear this is a nightly occurrence) he’s hurt Kevin doesn't stand up for him.  SO he runs away to him/Kevin's special hideaway, a hill on the side of the highway, “Flatt earther hill” where Kevin meets him after he listens to his favorite ACDC song to give him hope about‌ the future him and Kevin have a heart to heart where Lester Tells Kevin how much it hurts him when he doesnt stand up to dad, and bullies when they beat him and Kevin says how guilty he feels but how much pressure he’s under but how much he’ll try to change and how its not rock n roll to not stand up for those u love or what you believe even if you have something to loose (Kevins arch) then they lie back in the grass and fatnzie about getting out of their dirt town, and switching places and Lester mistinperterts something Kevin says about lying they promise to help each other no matter what 

  1. The next day at school it’s relieved Lester is flunking oyt of most/dall his classes at his fated meeting with scary Ms. Murphery (Lester is not that smart, well read this will be important later ) and she says if he doesn't get his act together he’s gonna flunk out and make the school look bad

  1. Lester gets picked on by his bulled at his Locker, who dont believe that his band played with Iggy Pop establishing everyone knows he’s a lair - he’s got a reputation at school for telling wild stories about himself and his band. 

  2. Lester meets  up at the cafeteria with his band, and Trent the new Bass player his brother picked out to join the band and hyped up the night before, Lester wants to be the band leader and is very territorial of the new guy and also of his disrespect of his favorite band (in a funny way) the Red Hot Chili Peppers who he loves he also in his internal monologue thinks Trent is hot in a goth, mysterious but they get in a fight and Kevin a has to calm Lester down making him look lame.

  3. Lester gets sent to the principals office for spray painting advertisement for “Bad Desions” Band adusion on the side of the school that they now have to clean off. Then laughs as a pigeon shits on the American Flag. establishing him as a frequent troublemaker

13. That afternoon Bad Desions has their first Band Resheral in Kevin and Lester’s dads garage even though he forbid them from using it, because its his autoshop and he’s a controlling asshole. Dispite a rough start they do have a good rehseral and sing Rock N Roll on Rye while sining he invsions he’s Mack Lasher his rock nr oll alter ego for the frist time. After their set, Trent even says he did good but then his dad drives home drink and everyone runs away scared. Their dad scolds Kevin for letting Lester drag him down Kevin folds and Lester in denial talks around the fact his dad Beat him and Kevin watched from outside.

Chapter Four:

  1. Next few years their band has some local success with gigs and even cutting an album “Full Spread” especially when Lenny’s Uncle, Frosty helps them out as their manager when he’s in town.  But then after a while, Lester starts to get frustrated with the roadblock of their limited local music scenes - like churches not appreciating their “Santan Loving” songs, /Their Song not getting a lot of airplay on the radio -Lester and their band got pretty fed up with their band’s small-town crowd who don't get them, knowing their meant for better things.

3. Meanwhile, while Bad Desions was having moderate local fame, everyone in the band started to get the rock star treatment with the ladies for once, and before the year was up, they all got girlfriends, and , Kevin met Roxy, an amazing chick with a brain and a hot bod (not just a groupie) but now that Kevin had a girlfriend he was spending all his time with her, Lester was feeling a bit Jelous. Also Kevin was still the only one who knew he was gay, he knew rock stars didn't have dude groupies, he knew he would never have sex drus and rock n roll, or love as easily as his friends and that made him more jealous but Kevin could tell…

4. At the end of that wild summer, the first time they celebrated Lester's 17th birthday, Kevin and Roxy celebrate with Lester, goive him a twinkie birthday cake and watch Dressed to kill, his favroite movie. As a gift, Kevin saw how sad and left out Lester has been feeling Romanticly so he gives Lester the Love List, a list he made of all the cloested hot gay dudes at their school (some of witch he knows Lester has a crush on) that he can hookup with in secret. 

5. Lester starts wearing Kevins Bruce Springstein's leather jacket, the next day in school, looses his Virginity, to Rubin Smith, the lead singer of Rolling Vines (their main competition for battle of the bands) the boys bathroom. Then the next few days he becomes a little whore and sleeps with every other guy on Kevin's love list at school in secret.

  1. Uncle Frosty sees the writing on the wall, has to leave the band/go back to California but as one last hail marry to the frustrated kids he offers them a shot at the Trenton Battle of the Bands (a town over) as he’ll be a judge this year. So the band eminently starts shifting their profiles and start preparing for the battle, trying to stand out and the best band there.

4. Lester, trying to update their look and sound discovers/falls in love with the underground Gay Leather community in secret, and hitch hikes off too “Trash and Vaudvile”  to buy everyone new Leather outfits for the battle of the bands (very gay looking leather get ups that would take some convincing to wear) Him and his band try the outfits on overcome their internalized homophobia (kidding) then get high and roll around on the floor and Kevin helps Lester come up with a stage name: Mickey Fingers: (though lester prefers Mack Lasher)

5. Lester overhears their parents saying he’s worthless and they wish he was never born/his rock n roll is running their life and cries/vows to poove everyone wrong.

6. Subplot: Kent Kevin/kent’s older brother got into Harvard their parents expect Kevin to get into Harvard or else. Kevin, with his perfect score, out of the goddess of his heart, starts tutoring people for the Harvard enrtance(incuding Rubin) but Lester starts suspecting Rubin cheated off Kevins test, and tries to warn him. various points throught the climax, /final act of the book. Lester is crushing on Kevin actually dveloping feelings for Rubin but all the whale he knows he’s their biggest competition for Battle of the bands, the most popular high school band in town bound to get more famous then them/beat them at the battle (out him?) He couldnt convince pure hearted Kevin Rubun was cheating on his test on friday though.

7. Lester goes to school, get’s passed a note from Rubin’s drummer in the boys bathroom inviting him to hookup at his house in secret over the weekend causing him to freekout fall in the faulty tolet, break it and caus the boys bathroom to flood with shitwater, so he escapes but thben gets stuck in the window with his butt exposed and jmps out the windw flippimg off his prinpas getting expelled…with a bang.


7. Bad Desions have a few final pratcice sessions, Kevin reveals he got Lesesrer tickets to his favroite band The red hot chili peppers -to see the day after the battle weather they win or not before he goes off to collage. Before Lester goes to sleep, Kevin has heart to heart with Lester comforting him with headline about rising AIDS deathtole asking if he’s been being SAFE using the love list, trying to hide his own guilt.

8. The band has breakfast, /Lester wishes Kevin Luck to have his HArvard entrance exham, saying they they are ready that night for the battle of the band. Lester waits arround doing nothing in the house for a few hours, then deices to take up Rubins note and rides his bike to the bad part of town to comfort him about cheating off Kevins test and also see if he really is a good guy or is just a play boy rocker like everyone says. 

9. Lester gets there, Rubins room is a mess he imemeitly saduces him and Lester forgets why he’s there until he finds the cheat sheet or IAB under rubins bed and Rubin’s personality flips and he starts mongloging to justfity it because rubin doesnt care who he steps on to get to the top, and as revenge Lester is so tired of being powerless, worthless and fiucked over he steals Rubins Super 8 video camra blind flolds him and starts domantaing him, having voilent sex with him, and filming a sex tape of it before shoving the tape in his leather pants pocket. He now has a plot for revenge he’s going to leak their tape, if Rubin was doing this to his brother, if their band has so little chance, he was taking him down with him. No one in the music industry would take him seriously again after this. Lester was so blind with anger, he hated himself he wasnt worthy or love or anything and just wanted to take back some sebmebemce of power and this was the only way he saw how, rock n roll - man, isnt always pretty.

10. Lester rides back, meets up with his band as their leaving for battle of the band -and jumps in their “Band Descions” Van as they set off for Trenton, they note he’s late and Kevin remarks his hair is a mess, but Lester doesnt say where he was. So they drive to trenton and Kevin tries to raise the bands sprits and keep them hyped for the performance despite everything going on.

11.  They make it to the battle of the bands, go back stage, Trent gets into a fight with a racist band called the lost cuase. Trent punches the lead singer then runs away.

12. Kevin makes Lester chase Trent down, bring him back so he doesnt cause anymore trouble he explains he has a history of that at the battle. Lester finds him on the 5th floor balcony having a smoke he talks him down they have a heart to heart Trent warns Lester about Rubins past, about how he is a worse person then he imagined, having a history of cheating at the battle of the bands, cheating on mautible romantic parnters getting girls pregeant all over the state and refusing to get tested for STDs and AIDS, witch scares Lester reminding him of Kevins rant so he brings him down but in the stairwell on Lesters way down as the battle starts, he runs into…none other then, Rubin. He quickly is sadcuded by Rubins charm again but then he confronts him one last time about him cheating off Kevin, and now the possiblity he gave Lester the virus telling him naively to get Tested all of quiche he crassly denies and devlovs to an abusive rant, shouting all of Lester’s insuctries about how he’s “a worthless pile of shit, that no one would ever fuck, or love that is not cut out for this business and should just quit now” before trying to convince him to quit, then beating the shit out of him tull he’s bloody with a black eye on the stairwell.

4. Lester cleans himself, only motivated by his plans to release the sex tape revange in a few days. and change his song to prefoma a song called heartbreak blues, a song he wrong about rubin breaking h, is heart. So, Lester rushes back to his dressring room, they ask him what took so long and why he looks beat up, he doesnt explain, he runs away again, he tells Billy, the event roadie to change the song their prefomning, 

5. then 10 minutes before their on to preform he runs into The earthworms, a famous band based on CCR or The Mamas and the papas a famous folk band and one of Lesters heroes who were there cemi undercover he sits with them and due to his fresh wounds and low self esteam/idenity criss as a rocker, with him having just told Kevin his Prefered Stage name is Mack Lasher not Micky Fingers, having scene visions of this guy every time he plays guitar more vidivid each time, and feeling more and more lately like his life would be better if he was just a different person and like it might as well be, he just tells the earthworms he is mack lasher his alter ego and all these lies he’s been telling for years at this point about his famous Escapeds in new york with his band, and iggy pop and this and that. But they believe it and their actually big deals so from their for the frist time (thouigh he doesnt know it yet) his lies spread like wildfire. 

6. Lester/The bad Desons play battle of the bands and mess up big time because  Lester plays Heartbreak Blues just to get back at Rubin in the audience and forgets, most of the words, causes the crowd to throw bottles and food at them, and causes a Riot where Trent get’s into a fight wih with the mosh pit in the front row

7. Rolling Veins preform next/outsage them preform dirty hairy in sexy red togas and end up winning the battle/20,000 grand prize. 

8. That night Kevin drives everyone home, Kevin tries to cheer him up that they lost and say “its ok at least we got the chilli peppers conert tomorrow I heard their looking for roadies I know you didnt want that to be a back up plan but” then Lester finally tells him the truth that Rubin cheated off  his harvard test-but to his shock, Kevin is fine with that, He’s already gotten into princeton and doesnt even want to get into Havrard anymore, despite how mad he knows their parents will get. But Lester is still so mad all the truth comes out he just exploedes on him and his whole revenge plan against Rubin comes out, the sex tape in his pocket, where he was eariler, everything, and KEvin freaks out starts crying trying to convcince Lester not to before they have a back n forth and Lester falls on the street out of their car -hallauusnating visions of rubin telling him all the worst things about himself, slaltifying his horrible self image and need to change himself in order to be loved. Before having a full blown PTSD flashback of his dad beating him and everty bad thing that happened to him through the book that reforced his worthlessness /bad self essteam complex all at once before bklackng out (his lowest point)

9. The next morning Lester wakes up in his own bed, to Kevin dressed in his Red hot chillu peppers concert outfirt redy to get on the road. Not talking about what happened the night before. So Lester being excited now to see his idol flea, Kevin takes them both on the road in his new car. 

10. On the road they fight over whats on teh roadio, and win backstage VIP ickets on a radio raffel, and run into traveling hippies also on the way to the Concert, who make Lester feel bad because the hippies claim they loved Bad Desions, especially at battle of the bands last night because they sucked harder then any other band. Kevin flirts with a hippie girl named Patince heading to the same concert as them.

11. They see the red hot chili peppers concert at the boardwalk club in atlantic city Lester geeks out when he finally see the chli peppers, lusts over Flea especially when they perform the song Blackeyed Blonde, he redscovers his love for rock n roll at the conert and his love for his brother, then and there he decides not to go through with his revenge plan and Kevin says he’s really proud he made the right choice.

12. After the concert they go backstage, to meet the red hot chili peppers Lester is really Starstruck but after asking a few questions, they ask him to be their roadie for the rememining leg of their tour. That starts in a few days.

13. The next day Lester’s dad kicks him out of the house and empty’s out his bedroom and Kevin gets into a fight with him about it, Lester doesnt care though he has nothing left to loose he tells his parents to fuck off and that he’s going on tour and that him and Kevin arent their property anymore and that rock n roll will never die.

14. He bikes to Camlot Records to the town over from Ewing to say goodbye to his friends in his band, where he declared the band was brolen up and he was going on tour for the summer, but they would get back together after gets back from his epic awesome life changing tour. He says goodbye to Lenny, Beans and Trent and bikes home.

15. Kevin Graduatiates Highschool. 

16. Kevin and Lester have their last night on Flattearther hill. Kevin gives Lester a song he wrote him as a goodbye gift. They have one final heart to heart where Kevin tells Lester he’s gonna do great reforming his idndity, that he loves him, will always love hima nd will always be there for him and that he’s only a call away, and will keep in touch when he’s on tour. They hug it out. The The next day at dawn Kevin drives Lester to the dropoff, too meet the chillies tour bus and say one last goodbye. before goong down their separate ways. (To be conetued in book two)

Lying Flatt book One : New revisions checklist (Draft  5)

Lying Flatt/Writing Goals 2024:

  1. Practice Self Editing. (Editing the whole novel through, for spelling/improved content based on workshop suggestions your own revisions here: Practice editing spelling using spellcheck/googling misspelled words as much as possible before hiring a professional editor.) 

  1. Get back in a consistent official Creative writing workshop where lying flat (final draft?) can be read: 

  1. Officially start second drafters at CCNY (Follow up on if the dean about my proposal /club funding, get everyone in CCNY creative writing club/new people to join everything you need to 

  1. Get mom to sign you up for Writer’s Rock workshop (to work on final? Lying flatt manuscript with 1-1 special editing workshop. The Writer's Rock (

  2. workshop in January 

  1. Print out several copies of LF once u finish final version (bound binding) to keep in your room, bring to artist Parties.

  1. Get a writing Routine: Write Three hours of LF every day. 

  1. Mail requests to as many people as possible, (professors, writers, family, moms friends, others) for FREE feedback for Lying Flatt, before hiring an editor. 

Self-Imposed Deadline (To submit LF to lit agent): July 2024.

  1. When editing put back in all illustrations, Draw New illustrations like: 

  2. Cover art:

    1. Herb Bean interviewing people in the park/reacting to Lester’s email on his laptop.

  1. Lester /early bands doing crazy shit in the early days (his early myths of childhood) (meeting Iggy pop, Andy Warhol, ect.) 

  1. Lester/the band recording their first album (full spread) at Uncle Frosty’s studio. 

  1. Lester at Trash /Vaudeville in NYC buying Leather

c. Lester/Trent having heart-to-heart on a balcony at the battle of the bands.

d. Lester Flatt, getting walked in on by Kent jerking off to poster of Flea, (Homophobic, Absurd.) fight breaks out.

f. Camelot Records Lester says goodbye to his band.

d. Lester gets on Chili’s tour bus, waves goodbye to Kevin.

Illustrations (in Order) to put back into the book:

(Backtound images for collage art)

Lying Flatt: Book One, Official (Updated) Plot Outline: 

(New Updated Content, things to cut, for draft 5:)

Chapter One: 

  1. Make more funny scenes/ especially with the dynamic of no one taking Lester seriously. More scenes at school/arround Ewing to establish his reputation of a lair /becuase he’s an unreliable narrator he downplays it. 

  1. Set up a throughline of Kevin loving brucespring stein, his parents telling him not to listen (Rock n roll bad distracting him from church, his studies in a funny over-the-top way) and Lester thinking Bruce is overrated in NJ. 

  1. Because its’ his narrative his story, sew seeds here and there that he’s a lair but also less so your meant to be immersed in his narrative. Of his myth making of his rock n roll persona. 

  1. Cut longer conversations /monologues /sex scenes. (no longer than 3 pages.)

  1. (new throughlines )

    1. Kevin gives Lester his old leather Jacket with the Bruce Springsteen stitched on the back that finally fits, /boosts his confidence. 

  1. Right before the battle of the bands, even despite Lester and Kev still not telling each other the truth about Rubin, Kevin takes Lester’s Leather jacket (Before he bought the new one at Trash Vaudeville.) replacing the Bruce Springsteen back patch, with one of Flea as a good luck gift to wear in battle of the bands the next day:

  1. When lester takes his secret trip to east village to buy leather /buy’s leather (spend longer discribing/revelong in the east village night life, disicrbite more places scenes, lists clubs that Lester will come back to in book two, intteiled to as a rock god he already believes himself to be) 

    1. Make a point to pass CBGBs after he leaves trash vaudeville with the leather /no money have it have a holy impact on him, (have him because he ran out of money need to make friends with a band, to carpool home, hictchike home to come back in book two)

  2. more music scenes (full lyrics) songs are both cheesy and obscene lol From full spread (scene of Kent /Kenny somine fron the football team/church being shocked/anoyed when Full spread interrupts Peggusus on the radio)

9. Scene early on of them at Camalot Records maybe causing a fuss, getting mocked, swearing their next album will be sold their, Introducing Maggie, the girls Lenny likes, Lester goes there in chapter one after their first band reheseral, to apply for a part time job, (crushing breifly on the desk clerk who looks like Flea and also has a cousin who used to manage 

  1. Give Lester an official stupid catch phrase (other then just saying rock n roll alot) 

  2. Add a scene or two of Lester At Lenny’s house when he’s practicing Drums, watching Rocky on TV,and Lester relates to rocky as the underdog and see’s Rubin as Creed. 

Up the cheese /humor (still highlight how his life was hell /traumtziing how it molded him to fell worthless enrough to lie but just try to make the whole book have more of a funny tone)

Up the interested fantasy sequences /of Mack Lasher
(A scene of him looking in the mirror at the beginning, hating himself wanting to break the mirror, at the end seeing when his lies have taken over, seeing himself in the mirror not as himself but as Mack lasher, a tall buff tom cruise shirtless type holding a black eletric gutair, with a top hat, the rocker he would become.) 

Lester cant read Add at least a few more scenes (in the whole Rubin harvard cheating scandal, also with his parrents talking about him) highlighting that Lester deosnt /cant read (with Trent spellchecking his lyrics in the frist scene ? Showing in small ways throught lester doesnt read much and is smart but also in many ways,extreemly dumb, sheltered -and in many ways is jealous of Kevins education, inetllgance as it fits him into soiocty - to set up his intrest in Wally’s princeton brilliance eciucated side in book two.


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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: