You come highly recommended. I especially admire your Wishlist and current collection of queer, other new fiction, and own voices novels, from underrepresented, and unique points of view.
Lying Flatt is a Rock n Roll coming of age journey that begins with Lester Flatt, a highschool sophomore and compulsive liar. His delusions of grandeur, as well as his inner self loathing, can be found in his lyrical writing and musical expressions in his band known as Bad Decisions. From his feelings of isolation, to a secret lover, lies and false identity. Lester is faced with the inner struggles of obsession and detrimental parasocial relationships when he discovers an ultimate betrayal during Battle of the Bands.
I was inspired to write lying flatt because of Jack Black his films and music and authenticity rebellious and joyful and honest personality, and Jack Black’s long term, celebrity platform as someone who cares about kids, ability to be themselves and achieve their dreams, no matter, how fat, or dramatic or “too much” kind of kids they are, I was also inspired to write Lying Flatt, during a dark time when I had no hope for myself, or my future I wrote my way out, writing this book was the only way I could believe in, forge my own future from the ashes of my broken present. I believe Lying Flatt is an underdog story, the book that made me believe I could be a writer and do something of value in this world after a lifetime of pepole being cruel, and not believing in me, this book was intended to be the one I needed most in my times of need, hoping for kids and teens someday to pick it up and have the same feeling of being seen and belived in, when they couldnt get that feeling from their real life.
I am a gay, autistic, trans man, and a junior at SUNY New Paltz. I draw cartoons for the school newspaper, The Oracle, and am working towards a BA in Creative Writing. I have had short pieces published in the CCNY Promethean literary magazine and in the Writopia Lab’s literary journal, The Ellipsis. Lying Flatt is also fully illustrated with my original artwork. Lying Flatt The Rise of Mack Lasher: Book One is a 205,583-word, Comedic, LGBTQ+ New Fiction Novel. Lying Flatt is a parody of Rock n Roll memoirs like The Dirt. It's like a combination of the books: Daisy Jones and the Six, Ziggy Stardust and Me, and Lords of Chaos.
Thank you so much for your consideration.
Elijah Brahmi
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