Tuesday, February 6, 2024

(Book two one shots) Blue Velvet (Wally x Lester) Lovers in Bed.

“Why, not just…take some of Rodrick’s suggestions, make at least the B side a crowdpleaser, you could recycle one of your old classics, like Jearsy Girls, Kevin always did love that one…” Wally beat the dust out of an old sheet, making our bed behind me as I fiddled with old broken pins that no longer fin on My Leather Jacket in the ash Trey, fossils some of them.

“Why don’t you give it up”

“Darling…Comprimise some go so far as to call, a necessary evil in your belvoved bussniss, and I find that spoon full of honey, tends to help the Oveftly Anti-Fascist musical occumnuiment go down, if you understand-”

“for the last time, no. How many times are we gonna go in circles on this”  I sighed. My eyes were fixed to his paper doll figure as I glanced up in the cracked mirror, as he slide out of his Satin Drawrs, into his Indigo Kamono behind his stolen lily Parttion adorned with cranes and bamboo, sliterthing under the comforter, and lighting a cigarette from his pet collection by the bedsite table. He turned off the Second hand stained glass lamp, leaving the room in a heavy Blue only illuminated by the Dim Glow of the Night, and city lights outside. I could hear some, slow Jazz sizzling up from an apartment across from the Hotel, oh great jazz..that cant be a goos sign. I turned arround and just starred at him, the silent treatment was tright and true beside it’s easy to forget what’s going on when he stares at you, god he was perfect…even when he was wrong. I just crossed my arms as he beckoned me to bed, his perfect pale pinup outline soaked in the blue velvet of the night, He cocked his head back and blew a steam of smoke. 

“Darling…one of those songs has got to go, the revolution will not be undermined one song”

“No! Why do I have to compromise man, I told you this, I told Roddie and his agent this either he’s paying for the whole album or none of it, im not comprsimg my vision for anybody dude. Ugh, Im tired of being forced to live up to other peoples standards, where im always on the fucking bottom, always trying and climbing and one inch, one win, one word away from success but…it’s by your standards, you ever changing bullshit standards that I was never meant for, that arent even smart and have never produced anything worthwhile!! from now on im going to live by my own fucking standard, how’s that?”

“Sounds like a cop out, darling”

“What do you know about rock bottom huh, you…who’s been handed everything”

“Yes, but things always did seem to slip through, limp rist you know…” He said, letting his hand fall. 

“You know, your no better then me, that shit’s just as much of a cop out”

“What is?”

“Playing into those, tired stereotypes…”

“What stereotypes?” Wally smirked, playing dumb to mess with me, and dufise the tension was one of the oldest trick in the book. Well it wasnt gonna work this time, his whole voice of reason routine, I wasnt cutting that song, I had given up everything to get this, the smallest big of fame, nottrifty, from a record company…from all the people who told me all my life I’d never be worth the shit on their shoes, so this time, for once, its going my way. He just smiled at me, that earnest undisirbricble grin that just get’s you every time, and started cackling untrobly letting his robe fall to expose his bare chest as he clutched it with laughter. 

“You know what forget it.” 

“Yes…Why don’t we talk about this in the morning, it’s just…”

“Just What?” I said, starting to crack up and weeze too, as he leaned over beating my back from laughing so hard…oh man you see what I mean? 

“What? What the the hell is so funny?”

“I Just L-Love you, so much” He weezed, coming too, with a overblown smile, matted hair and tears in his eyes. Wow im gald, being complicit in “the man” trying to censor my rock n roll career is so hilarious to him. I rolled my eyes and pouted to let him know…he did not win, as he kissed me on the cheek, then the lips, then…

“I love you too…I just”


“I Really want people to like it”

“Well…you know I love it, I dont always understand every musical corse of action that was taken behind the scenes but of course, that’s not my forte mainly so…but I’ve been telling you since day one I simply can’t get enough of-”

“No, nevermind this is a stupid conversation, Im a rock god, im literally playing CGBGs a mosh pits every night for three years in a row, and I’m a pro, why the fuck are am I even wasting time with-”

“What? Doubts?”
“What? No…I have no doubt this going to be the Album event of the summer”


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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: https://docs.google...