Sunday, October 20, 2024

VEnt?imporant realization: dont want to make art for money --I want to make art, beuftaful art that I wish was real, rhat I would read that would help me through hell, and make sence of the dark cornners that others dont dare to delve into

 I dont want to make art for love

I just wanna make art again being in the phyc ward not able to draw of runction due to meds made me realize that

I would love more money I would love to be able to produce art weekly, and to the demands of others

But im quitting the school papper making my comics once a week was...a dream 

To produce a body of work im proud of, 

money doing everthing for somone else it makes me sick, 

What about art for its own sake

Im priviged they will say I live off a small allownce from the parrents who abaoned me in my youth who I dont trust or like, but ive gottne better at living with becuase I must, i forgive them some now more ten I had

BUt in truth I never will forgive my parrents or the world

for making me an artsits in a world where no one has time, time to live to work to make art the art that is the only way their souls can be free

Untill I went back to where I always end up the phcy ward for hopfully the last time, 

I was focused alot on things could call me unreoeinzble to get through the curel endless nights on the ward I cling to being normal to actully being sufusfull in the worlds eyes 

Busssnisses and ; 

But in truth running a bussniss selling my art ---is never somthing i could bear to do

I need to make art, I finally have ways to do so enough money to get by, 

Is that a le

after being stuck in the phyc ward I missed drawing more then anything need to get rid of this mental block telling me not to make art weather becuase of ADHD or becuase, 

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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: