Thursday, July 4, 2024

Writing Prompts: For Daily Writing Prompts (write a scene weather for your story or just a bout a new intreesting idea to get the creative juices flowing, eveyr day)

100 Creative Writing Prompts for Writers - Writer's Digest (

100+ Writing Prompts for Adults: Unleash Your Creativity and Imagination - Brilliantio

63 Creative Writing Prompts for Adults (with PDF). All Genres! | Ride the Pen

100 Writing Prompts for Adults

Here are 100 writing prompts for adults:

  1. Write about a time you felt truly happy. What made you feel that way?
  2. If you could go back in time and change one decision you made, what would it be?
  3. Write a letter to your 20-year-old self giving advice.
  4. Describe the house you grew up in. What memories do you have there?
  5. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done? Why did you do it?
  6. Who has had the biggest impact on your life? Describe how they influenced you.
  7. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done? Would you do it again?
  8. What’s your biggest regret in life? How has it impacted you?
  9. Describe a time you failed at something. What did you learn?
  10. What are you most proud of achieving in your life so far?
  11. What’s the kindest act you’ve ever witnessed? How did it make you feel?
  12. What small moments bring you the most joy in life?
  13. If you could have a do-over for one day in your life, which day would you choose?
  14. When was the last time you stepped outside your comfort zone? What was the experience like?
  15. What’s your biggest dream that you hope to achieve in the future?
  16. What has been the greatest obstacle you’ve had to overcome? How did you do it?

Romance Writing Prompts

[Read detailed tips about how to write a romantic scene here.]

Writing Prompt 1:

On the night before his marriage, Robert gets a visit. It’s Rachel, the girl that grew up next door and has been his best friend ever since. They had always pushed back any feelings for each other, “we are just friends.” (Yeah, right…!).

Now Rachel bursts into is home in a last, unexpected try to convince Robert he is marrying the wrong woman and she and he are meant for each other. But a ceremony for 150 guests is already arranged. After a lot of passionate talk and tears, Rachel gets him to agree to a game: “Can you guess what I would do…?” They both jot down 10 questions plus their hidden answers. Whoever can guess more of the other’s answers right, wins.

Will Rachel win and they will spend the night on a bus, escaping the wedding? Or will Robert win and watch devastated Rachel walk off into the night, frustration in his heart and tears in his eyes? You decide!

How you can make this scene shine:

Make the scene captivating by showing the reader why these two are meant for each other: Let them remember what they appreciate so much in each other (show, don’t tell), the special moments they shared, show the missed romantic opportunities, and how they complement each other perfectly.

Your reader will hope and fear with them and be hooked to your scene like it was her own love story.


Writing Prompt 2:

Gwen and Christopher have been married for 20 years. One night Gwen finds bright red lipstick on the collar of his jacket. Infuriated, she grabs one of his golf clubs, and swings at his car till it looks worse than a bicycle under a freight train.

When she is exhausted and breaks down crying, Christopher can finally explain what happened: Christopher had been with his Chinese language student group. They all had been on their way to a Chinese restaurant for a change, and it had been raining. He lent his jacket to one of his Chinese language students to protect her from the rain. That’s when the lipstick got on the shirt.

Will Gwen believe him and end up sobbing and relieved in his arms? Or will she not believe one word and soon continue with Chris’ Chinese porcelain collection? You decide!

How you can make this scene shine:

Leave the reader in the dark about why the lipstick really is o

(Writing prompts for scenes short /to explore ideas and get the juices flowing for daily scenes)

Exploring wild out there ideas - fucked up scenes, not holding back, wholsome fanstsies, real emotions

1. Power Play - What if you did something, even if totally by accident (chahrchter who has a very didiculut relataioship with insuciruty, suceusss, the world, and wanting to be good at somthing and appriaicted by the world only to one day have somthing they do, make them a global super star, overnight but -in a way that makes them...extreemly sick never relaized they never wanted to be famous to begin with (He creates a medication that can actully -Alter Human desires (it is meant to be used on himself, since he has metnatl disordr -there is no medication for - he is the only person on earth with the menatl illness he has acording to doctors, still not sure what caused it...that causes him esstinally to have no disires for...anything, like he doesnt desire, the basic human -thing to wnat things even ones caused by involtinary human functions, that cause pain and disfomfort like hunger, pain, or negelct he simply doesnt disire to fix them, so he's been under obersvation for most of his life,  He doesnt disiere...anything, that your menat to desire in life, like...he doesnt want anything your menat to want, love, company, food, he's simply happy and content with littatry nothing he cant have desires of his own, naturally due to his unkown illness- witch has cuased him to latch onto 

the cenetr of his brain 

the only one he tested it on espcially becuase he genuinlly he 

2. How to ineherit a foutrine (scenes form that story)

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1# Writing Self Asssement


Sooooo here's the teap Lying flatt is done  I paid my editor and they edited it I just wanna chill today and tomorrow before school star...