Monday, May 6, 2024

Crowdfunding for a COPYEDTIOR PLANS!!!

 Mutalial Aid, Crowdfunding Pitch: Because of my Severe Dyslexia, and Financial troubles, I need to raise x amount of funds to pay my Copy Editor, can you help? (*however much it ends up being after revisions per the amount charged by the best Edtiors I can find on, Feiver, and Reedsy*) 

I have a formal dignosis for Austsim spectrum disorder, ADHD, Dysgraphia, and Dyselxia all of witch have made writing my novel, witch I've been writing for four years now, an extreme challenge, but because of my disexlia witch has been constantly ignored by teachers, professors and parents much of my life, even recneley akdnowgalged but still downplayed and misunderstood, in its severity as a disbaled person, I cannot spell/reconize the miseplling of words on my own despite use of Grammarly or autocorrect even in the correct context. After my novel has already been extensively developmentally edited my my longtime writing coach Amy who's worked with me at Writopia lab NYC since I was 13, this book, Lying Flatt, is my passion project, first book in a three book trilogy.: Instert more info about lying flat, get them to care about it. But Becuase of my serevere disblity, I cannot copy edit this book on my own, and because I am a low income collage student, who doesn't have any publishing/industry connections or industry connections at all really, I need to raise X amount of money to help pay this copy editor to proof my finished mansurpt of all spelling errors, before I can send it out for litatrtary agents hopefully by this summer. I have been working nonstop for four years, I'm so close to publishing this book it will be the first and only acomplsihembt I have made in my life but for spelling proofing I cant do it on my own and as i found out the hard way last year, since my book is even after several years of drafts, edtits and now the final round of edtit, is still and will remain 500 pages long all edtiors charge several 1,000$ for that, wiotch as a broke disbaled kid, going to community collage in harlem, on final aid I just cant afford. So Can you help me get to my goal, due to my dibslity, afford to pay this copy editor? 

1. Fundraising Links: 

1. My Go fund me:

2. Patreon:

3. Kofi:

4. Edit your project — Kickstarter (create a Kickstarter for lying flat overall)

5. Venmo - Share Payments /Cashapp (Ask for money remind them your in a tough final spot witch is true your dad just said, make mutrail aid posts for yourself and friends among others that you repost and see if anyone donates. Use that money for your Copy edtior.

6. Simply ask your dad for the money see how much it comes out too, because he did say he would help pay, as well as for a publisher marketplace subscription when that comes time to get an agent 

7. I'll PAY for an editor by asking some family members for money

8. I'll pay by selling My Autograph/valuable personal belongings I know will sell for a lot of money.

9. I'll pay for it by selling nudes/selling sex, just until I can pay for the editor (no more no less.)(last resort.)

10. Pay for it, using a writers grant? a combination of ways?

11. Saving up my weekly Allwoences for weeks on end, canceling all subscriptions, putting all 170$ weekly payments away in a savings account, (spending 0 money on food weekly, or metro cards or anything really just, rationing everything as much as possible doing the math, until I have enough to pay)

Websites to find an editor once my draft is finished (LF final draft finished goal: May 30th)

Top 8 Freelance Copy Editors for Hire in the United States - Reedsy

Fiverr / Search Results for 'copy edtiors for novels'

The Best Copywriters For Hire In the United States - Upwork™

The Best Freelance Copy Editors For Hire | Freelancer

The 10 Best Copy Editors Near Me (with Free Estimates) (

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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: