Friday, March 8, 2024

LYRICS: All lying Flatt Orginal music!! OOOOOOOHHHH Yeahhhhh (For orginal cover album??)

Song Lester writes backstage at battle of the bands after looking in cracked mrirorir and hisilsunating

Kevin's Song for Lester::

Never compromise your insanity 


He’s larger then life

and he’s too large to pretend.

Alot of rock stars get their start

breaking hearts and upping ends

But look out world he’s coming

I’ll stand by him till the end.

I’ll stand by him till the end.

Inside Out 

Lyrics By Mack Lasher

First Verse

There’s always MTV screens inside my window’s,

 beaten heads on dusty pillows 

untreatd wounds, Rosererys, 

and china ashtray’s, 

Guitar picks,trails of blood 

along the window sill, 

Second verse

hearing words, your words, 

spraypainted on lockers, 

shot from guns, paired with hald empty 

gun and belt bucklers 

late at night that hurt like knives. 

Father’s says alot of things

he cant take back

I cant help but take to heart

cant help but get short ends of sticks

after the 1,000th lash,

cant help but like getting hit,


Pain is everhwehre 

no one can take it away

The pain is unabrble, 

but I can make it better

Im the only one who can

but I can make it better, 

I can make it better

If I always look away

Pain is everywhere 

But I can make it better

I can make it better

if I look hard enough away 

if I look hard enough in the palces 

where no ojne else wants to play

Thrid Verse:

Pois defining prison bars 

made of letters and sylbbballs, 

I couldnt escape with idealist brothers 

or verses and chrouses and blonde haired lovers

Oh  But I tried, oh I tried, 

actions never hurt louder then words, 

actions, the scars, the blood, 

the this or that or high 

or god or third or fat or fag or 

whatever will fade, 

life’s actions can be undone through words,

 they can be forgotten, denied, 

obscured and reclaimed. 

But not words, 

will twist, in your mind, 

like vines, like strings of a cnetries 

tall guatri they will twist arround your neck 

and your tender, barly beating heart till their all you know.

Fourth Verse

at the end of the world, is pain, 

the pain of your life, 

of yourself, of the world, 

the window pain

falling through with no escape

you must come face to face

With the one who’s 

lost in space 

he will never escape

the Monster

once he is unlhaed 

from within

he can never upstage

everything he is.

DIRTY HARRY FULL LYRICS (lesters version)

ed out of my soul, his eyes stayed locked on mine, waiting to be impressed or to mock me. I knew he loved me, his love of this song, the deepest expression of my soul would wave off all remainging doubt. I just still couldnt believe how far I’d made it with him, in such short time with my history, with my onstant doubters, my odds, being…It being the first time preforming this song for Rubin, first time he’d heard me play so up closek, what if he thought I Sucked now? I was so nervous, so I just dove right in. My overwhelming love for him, only fuled my mad rock n roll passion behind the performance. 

Dirty Harry (Lester’s Version)

He makes me numb

with delusion

makes me question

All the sordid ways

my life has gone


kill me

with your dirty hands

bathroom stalls

and hidden halls

where I’m in heaven 

with you

and our

perfect love 

till I cant hear 

the world outside 

no more

till all there is 

echoing arround 

my mind

till all there is 

chords and chaos 

we’ll take on the world

take it by storm

I’ve taken the sharp end

of life

this long

but now

 that I know 

what love is

and I just cant 

take it


without you

 I melt 

back together 

when your figure 


Fills out 

my silhouette 

Why angels 

make love to shadows

I’ll never know

why do perfect forms colloide 

with my barley salvaged Hyde

when I deserve dust, 

says the world, 

says my mind

says science, or god, 

or spirit, or man

says everyone 

But, you

the only one

who loving my style

He’s only worth my while 

I wanna see him 

blowing me

wasnt a waste of time

I wanna waste my time with you


 People are afraid to love

becuase who’s 

 that brave anymore

evrbody dies alone, 

on the side- 

of the raod

I thoiught I’d be

 next for sure

then you came along

 you turned me out

and it was so punk rock

I wanna scream 

you make me shout

I see you naked, 

every time I dream

the only times, 

im not insane 

I dont try to make smoothies 

from my brains

but the world 

hates fun and games

the church molestoes 

every broken kid 

who groes up tpo 

be a psychotic president 

to bomb evry ccountry 

that coundnt save him

the world is cruel 

full of fasle gods, 

and ever changing rules

and cruel bastards

abd people who dont change

they tell you to be yourself

but only if you fit into their

new world order

be yourself 

if you never challange 

the status qou,
if you love law and order


 go rot in the cornner 

with a cone 

glued to your stupid head

for the rest 

of your life.

all you deserve is strife

I was waiting for somnone 

anyoen to prove me wrong

 Instead I think 

I’ll sing this fucking song

With youuuuuu

Untill our bodies 

turn blueeeeeeee

and they cant tell us 

how to be trueeeeeee

Oh yeahhhhhhhhh

All my life

They call me Dirty Harry,

gross, unloved and helpless, 

but with those nasty lyrics, baby

fallin from your perfect lips

with you in my bed tonight  

There’s nothing we cant do

oh yeah there’s nothing we cant do!

I cant help 

but forget 

my past, or dirty agony 

rock n roll is gay

fuck this town

fuck my family

fuck all the fuckers who told me 

I’d nver amount to shit

when they dont even know

why they can never quit

oh yeahhh

but I’ll always remmeber 

first love

best love

wont you

fuck my sorry life away

get lost in your music, 

in your lions mane

Lost in your visions of me

as a lover, 

a tender, human being

instead of a pile of trash

better off thrown away

Fuck that, love is punk rock as hell!

every act of love is an act of revlaution 

every kiss, every fuck is an act of revalution

so fucking fall in love, love eachother!

They call us fith, dirty, when really 

were just kids, and we deserve to grow up!

All my life

They call me Dirty Harry,

gross, unloved and hopeless

but with those nasty lyrics, baby

fallin from your perfect lips

with you in my bed tonight  

There’s nothing we cant do

Oh I’ll ride on your guatir 

ride you, and cum, all the way to

that shinning city on a hill

bringing fith, rock music 

as far as the ride goes

someday we’ll ride off to LA
Kissing under the Crimson Moon

behind the hollwyoow sign 

holding me like the new face

 Of his mean Bass

he can do it all, 

can do no wrong

got a bad reputation 

but that just adds the legend 

He cures junkies in paridse 

Like Jsusus, 

cures all desisies, 

makes me believe in god

He takes me back in time

see Back to the future,

he’s got Mutant superpowers, 

he can achieve world peace

claim any ass he wants

bodies are just bodies

all just part of the game

to him its all the same

do with no substance

and all style 

With the right Rock n roller 

behind you

there’s nothing you cant do

Oh yeahhhhh

All my life!

They call me Dirty Harry,

gross, unloved and helpless, 

but with those nasty lyrics, baby

fallin from your perfect lips

with you in my bed tonight  

There’s nothing we cant do

He can rock your world,

 like Axel rose,

 or our lord, James Dean

With a Sotfer, River Pheniox side, 

the world will never see

Just like the piture on the walls, 

blonde, ridiculous, perfect 

lips like baseball cards

posters are never enough for my walls

Idol worship, 

catholics cant worhip right 


wish you were on your knees 

dont put up a fight

You make me crazy

turn me inside out like 

im one of your girls

your rumors, your needles

Filthy, god, of Jearsyland

following the rock floorplan

Ohhhh yeahh, 

oh yeahhhhhhhhhhh

He can rock your world,

Rock you into the floor

you wanna go all the way

and all the way back!

He will rock your world

Until your too dumb/numb to stand

He’s going places, ohhh yeah he’s gonna be 

The biggest star you ever seen

and so am I,

And, he’s here tonight!

Ohhhh yeahhh


"A world not a war"

Earthworms folksong

I’ve seen a hope given Angel 

In my dreams last night

Taken out my trash

And breaking up a fight 

He flew in from 

Heaven up the street

His wings look tired 

Or maybe 

we’re both still asleep

Then I woke up

With mayonnaise in my hair

I reached for your metal hand 

And realized you’re not there

Why fall all the way from paradise 

Just to leave me all alone 

Will the days blend into dreams 

Like before 

And Will we ever wake up 

To a world not a war

I read the Bible 

In another life

I’m in this one 

I can only read 

The upcoming stop sign 

But in everyday life 

I pretended to live 

I saw ghosts and visions 

Among the ruins of 

The Brooklyn Bridge 

I drank the tears of prophets 

I was brainwashed 

Baptized and broken in

I read too far into

 all of Bob Dylan’s lyrics 

Desperate to find meaning 

Anywhere but within 

I’m what they left behind 

But most days 

I just end up watching the news

Tell me why people aren’t dying

Is life after death 

really worth knowing 

And can we still imagine 

A world not a war

I walk the crypto streets 

High above the clouds

I forgot how to be kind

So now I'm just loud

I yell at every living ghost

I see coming round 

Please wake up

The war is still at home

But they just pass me by

On their way to get a loan 

I sit alone in dark rooms

Trying to make art and write 

But all I can do is think

About how I’m afraid 

Of getting too comfortable 

Coffins are better beds 

Then park benches after all

useless artists being censored 

During wartime might be better off


At least my dreamin angels 

Stay the night 

Even in vile slums 

Trenches and black holes

There’s still hope

Life isn’t hell

When you got

something to fight for

And We will live to see 

A world not a war


“Commet Of love”

cheesy hair metal song

Verse 1


travlling cross the galaxy 

all the speed of light, 

the nebulas, 

is in her soul

dont put up a fight

whenever I wished upon a star

thats a Errum dancer

making a wish on you

they travel the universe

not like little green men 

looking to invade, 

or flying cuasers, just passing by 

This was a cosmic dancer

and she danced straight into my heart

She’s a comet of love

made of all the stuff in the universe 

made of all the stars, space and time

as she penetrates the atmosphere

it all becomes so clear

Now you know finally understand 

what that black cat chick meant when she said

love’s like angel,

 that never touched the sky

until it fell to earth 

and fucked your heart 

with stardust and Saturn ice


oh, She, set me free

making love, 

in zero gravity 

Didn't know I was living 

two thirds of a life

till she, set my word on fire

before I had no purpose 

now for her, I would lay my life forfeit

she, pulled me in her celestial orbit

once I saw her blue flame 

set my dark skies ablaze

My space-age angel, 

awnsered my prayers from above

my Commet of love.

“Verse 2”

Oh, I was alone

living in a world

balry living, only breathing 

jut to breath, just to die

war, pain and bloodshed

clouded my every sky

a soldier, a shell of man,

ready to die, 

without ever knowing 

a mothers kiss 

or a lovers embrace 

without ever knowing how

 the worlds“I love you” 

feel against your face

I thought I’d die bullet holed 

and empty, 

Another sad dreamer, unfilled

wishing on shooting stars

at the edge of a battlefield 

praying to the stars above

to be the last one to get killed

and then, 

I met you

you fell into my arms

like a midnight fantasy 

just when all, hope seemed lost 

you held my cheek, so tenderly

until it ran red, with blood

and then, 

she carried us to safety 

with her magic stardust, we ended up 

somewhere in the stratosphere

floating among the clouds

and the northern lights

we could breath, 

but I was gasping for air like a madman

she jut smiled, and she giggled, 

My cheeks turned red

she just floated up two inches from me

and said

“You looked so scared back there”

“Well, yeah we almost died,

 but you get used to being scared on the battlefield, after a while, 

you have to save, the people who are most vulnerable, you know

wemon and children first, or so they say”

“Oh?, That’s so brave,”  She said, doe-eyed, starring up at me, 

spinning circles around us, as I 

tried not too long down

“Where did you come from, 

are you an angel?” she said, as she looked arround the clouds in awe and glee, 

before smiling ear to ear, then eyeing me up and down 

and looking back at me.

 “I think my search is done at last, I like this planet best by far, 

your people are so brave and kind, not like all the others, not at all.”

“Were not all like that…” I said, trying to be humble, on humility behalf.

“Wont you show me arround your planet, handsome stranger” She said, giggling 

“Of corse, this is what we call the sky, 

and this is what we call, making love!!” 



oh, She, set me free

making love, 

in zero gravity 

Didn't know I was living 

two thirds of a life

till she, set my word on fire

before I had no purpose 

now for her, I would lay my life forfeit

she, pulled me in her celestial orbit

once I saw her blue flame 

set my dark skies ablaze

My space-age angel, 

awnsered my prayers from above

my Commet of love.

Rubins Song (Rubins version//Hair Metal version)


He’s a filthy mama

But I don't mind

cuz I like em’ dirty, 

and from behind

Cuz he’s DIRTY! 




don't come down.’







He’ll Protect and serve, 

like it’s a work of art

he’ll touch a nerve

and break your heart

Let’s ride!

Juno: Look at me now

Im a changing, can’t you see

A different man, in every fiber of being

I’ve evolved, like the planets 

never giving in

With this mask of stone

You can’t reconize my face

Juno, Goddess of love

She lives in you

When we make love

The Mask, falls away

im a being of patchwork

of harvest, I cant be defined 

Godess of Love, 

fuck your parrents 

she still brought us here

I am an equisieite corpse

I can’t be known, 

I’m not a slave to be sold

The world’s always changing

always spinning, wind always blowing

But tonight 

let the freak’s, and dog’s

Blow you away 


Can you love me, 

can you love me

can you love me

if you do’t see my face

Can you ever love me 

Can you ever love me

can you love me

if you see me now-

- Rock n Roll on rye
-Heartbreak blue
-Juno, Goddess of love
-They say

Plot relvent/Key song covers:
2. Hre I go again, on my own (White Snake)
3. Blackeyed Blonde (RHCP)
4. Its a long way to the top if you want to rock n roll (ACDC)
5. Killer Queen : (Queen)
6. Alone (Heart)

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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: