Sunday, February 4, 2024

All LIES Lester Flatt Ever told starting in book one too keep track of(2/3/24)


So a little background for this post

 Because Lying Flatt, this book trilogy which I have now been writing for over four years straight is about (among other things) Lying, and a pathological lair/unreliable narrator, I realized at some point -and was reminded after my second very effective writing (Writers rock workshop with Amy's on zoom) That it's important to keep track of all the lies he tells in book one, and two and through the series because of the plot of the ogrinal draft when I started writing in 2019 if u read my original post, is- 

            -Lester's life hits rock bottom at the end of book two when he gets wally arrested and tells the worst lie of his life/looses everything -(witch is orginnaly where the story as a whole began and was gonna do the whole story started at the end "ur proibbaly wondering how I got here in this mess" plot device again read the other post...and so in book three when he get's the Fleanie (Magic Genie that looks like Flea, and gets his Three wishes, his first is too have all the lies he's ever told in his life come true...especially the fact he is, and has always been mack Lasher and all the wild things he's told about having done as him/lived the life as him and all the other wild lies he's told around that...thus become true rewriting history (think prince Ally) because he primarily tells this lie at first /to make a big show out of Getting Wally out of prison /Winning him back, but also because he's back to where he started with his self hatred arch-becuase he betrayed wally so fully with his lies and he says he no longer loves /trusts him so he belives he longer deserves to live/(a bunch of other stuff /his mental decline/lying slow decline into different personas to survive juftying it denying wally's love of him and needing to lie to...stay alove and a whole mental decline after Kevin dies, his band falls apart at the end of book one-

But its imperative for the narrative to make sense that through the first few books, Lester is peppering in, increasingly outlandish stories about Himself as Mack Lasher, with the updated plot details after my last two workshops -its coming together that now, he says it less at the begging all at once, Less to you the reader at least not at first, and more to other people when he talks to them (employees at Camolt Records, to try to convince them he's really done all those things, to Rubin even people he know's wont belive him showing more of various people not beloving him, even more of him and Kevin coming up with Mack Lasher the rock n roll charchter and basing it off of other rock n roll stage personas having Kevin even at the start think its just for the stage and Lester already have plans...due to deep self hatred and delions of grandu for it to be more and to erase his current identity alrtouger and to just, create a legand of his fame, out of this air...and kill his current self to become Mack Lasher altogether, literally and he plays into Kevins brilliance and pragmistim -maybe when he asks what is beliveble /the line between "too unreatstic, or what fans are willing to belive for a good show." and of course keep in the scene with the Earthworms backstage at the battle of the bands, maybe even add some more scenes similar too it or maybe some of the earthworms or other bands talking about "Meeting THE mack lasher in person" like show don't tell how he got the rumors going...and of course cut down all dumps of the lies in chapter one - and copy and paste them here, below. Becuase I realize it's imporantat to keep track of, all and I mean ALL of the lies Lester Tells about himself through the book (obviously not all of them become super important in book three but all of them in some way will shape Mack Lashers lore witch in some ways he's always crafting along the way, even when the Genie litrally ret-cons history, erases evryones memory and turns him into the person he always wanted to be...but was always a sham, false idol. (But that's for book three to work out) 

Either way it's important while writing book one and especially while just starting book two right now, it's Key to keep track of all the lies Lester tells about himself - (Mack Lasher related lies I will color code, and other lies he tells, mostly about his childhood.

So all of the following 

Lies he tells in chapter one/and book two (however I choose to edit their placement going forward) are all of Lester's Lies, witch I will edit as they change and retract while writing/rewriting book one/two and refer back to when writing book three and making them all (most) cannon. 

(all of lester's lies from chapter one of book one: )

1.) pages 42-43

That time we found ourselves backstage with Joey Remone, and I beat him at Rock Paper scissors therefore winning a bet and his one of a kind framed chipped tooth, thus causing a riot that would go down in history as the “Saber Tooth Riots.” There’s a plaque at the Mud Club now, to commemorate the event I’m sure you’ve seen it. Then I wanted to go darker, because psychedelic rock was kind of out of style and all that. So I formed Shot’s in the Dark, from 81-83, a hard core metal band. With me, Lenny, Beans, this time Kevin, and a couple of Kevin’s Eagle scout freaky friends, it lasted a while. We had some wild times too, played some crazy gigs, changed our image to look way more freakazoid Alice Cooper, and way less Jimi HendrixHenroiz on his last binge. We started to bang our heads and get into all that Satan crap. The deeper we sunk in scandal the more hated we were, the more hair metal, even though I havae a hate bonner for hair metal now, becuase it’s all they play on the radio our band is gonna be so much more awsome then that shlop, so much more punk, yeah Punk I said it. But back in the day we became like the demented love child between Rob Zombie, Howard Stern, Ratt, and ZZ Top. Dude we were what was left after the trash-apocopyse, like that time we got into a fight with that Aliace Cooper impersonator in Las Vegas, and he sang our song after apologizing and he sang it better than Alice. Or that time with the Manic Street Preachers before Richey went missing we opened for them and they thought we were trying to upstage them so we started a riot, or that time we closed for the sex pistols and forgot we were not wearing anything but Mesh and hairspray. Or that other time Tommy Lee couldn't think of the words to express his love for Rachel Roxx the Porn Star, so I wrote him a song, and that song became “Too young to be in love with you” by Motley Crue. Then a couple years later in 83 we had a great run with Ape Meat and the Social Climbers, with the same bandmates as before. Ape Meat was our Glam Rock, gender bending, bisexual madness, colorful, David Bowie, Marc Bolan era. I know we were half a decade too late but…it was honestly sad how few people seem to miss that era, we had a harder time getting these bands off the ground then the heavy metal ones despite the Hair Metal aesthetic being more flamboyant and glam thaen the glam rock band themselves! We had some crazy times with those glam bands too, like the time I snuck into Studio 54 and got stuck in the glitter shaft as a result and because I came out in the middle of a massive dance number, covered in glitter taking the place of a massive Disco ball. Andy of course had no choice but to declare to me that evening’s hit work of art. People couldn't stop talking about it  even Liza, Holston, and Freddy Mercury's shocked faces were them so we started a riot, or that time we closed for the sex pistols and forgot we were not wearing anything but Mesh and hairspray. Or that other time Tommy Lee couldn't think of the words to express his love for Rachel Roxx the Porn Star, so I wrote him a song, and that song became “Too young to be in love with you” by Motley Crue. Then a couple years later in 83 we had a great run with Ape Meat and the Social Climbers, with the same bandmates as before. Ape Meat was our Glam Rock, gender bending, bisexual madness, colorful, David Bowie, Marc Bolan era. I know we were half a decade too late but…it was honestly sad how few people seem to miss that era, we had a harder time getting these bands off the ground then the heavy metal ones despite the Hair Metal aesthetic being more flamboyant and glam thaen the glam rock band themselves! We had some crazy times with those glam bands too, like the time I snuck into Studio 54 and got stuck in the glitter shaft as a result and because I came out in the middle of a massive dance number, covered in glitter taking the place of a massive Disco ball. Andy of course had no choice but to declare to me that evening’s hit work of art. People couldn't stop talking about it  even Liza, Holston, and Freddy Mercury's shocked faces were on the front page right beside my glitter covered moon. Talk about making an entrance!

A couple more stand out band’s I had the brilliant iIdea’ to start were: Mass Hysteria, The Acne Creamers, Suside Bridge, Girls are Gross, Robots and Aliens, and Flea Mania, a red hot chili pepper’s cover band focusing mostly on the Ethos of Flea, (he’s my Favorite), and Ape Freezer (A cover band for our earlier band, Ape Meat…we had less reach that time around, but still played to our small devoted Ape Meat fanbase who we love like brothers)

(2. Pages 397 - 401.

Expert/ From Earthwrom's backstage scene.first time he lies about being macklasher himself in book one.)

“Yeah well…ya see…were just waiting to make our big comeback, after we win the battle of the bands tonight. Byt never fear, we have big plans to record our softmore album this summer man, in Las anaglas.”

“Wow man, right on. Everyone seems to end up in L.A, these days. we call it the rock n roll mecca, for reason. So, tell us, who’s your manger.” Oh fuck. uhhh, quick think of a good lie, beloivivle but also makes me look cool, and impressive.

“Frosty.” Fuck! thats a the worst thing I couldve possibly said!

“Isnt he…one of the Judges? …woah, man, not cool. Pfft, talk about a conflict of interest. How did the Summit get so corrupt? Letting mangers be judges, letting that pack of racist rednecks take the crown year after year, its discrasufull man. It wasnt always like this, I remember a time when people still had respect for rock n roll, man. It’s just such a shame man, We werent always playing battle of the bands you know, we used to tour the world man, we had restdtincies in london, and vagas man!-hell, we almost played woodstock for god sakes!” River lamented.

“Wow how the mighty have fallen.” quipped Billy, still standing behind the curtain.  Raine and Ernie through empty beer baottles at him and flipped him off, sticking out their tongues and barking like a dog at him. Mulch looked defeated, suddenly scooting away from me and looking bummed out, and dislunsioned. I coudlnt let them down, so just like that, I said the frist thing that popped into my head.

“No…wait! Did I say Frosty!? Sorry, I was thinking of my…stylist. He used to work at this quaint little buetouie up in the village, Trash and Vaudvile, you probably havent heard of called it. Yeah he’s the one who designed this Leather monkey suit you see before you, all threads, costume made just for the band.”

Suddenly Mulches eyes widened, and all Three earth worms squirmed towards me, eagerly. I’d gotten their attention, finally. 

“Who is your manger then?”

“John Ried.”


“Oh Yeah, I mean he wanted us to do this little local gig, just to spin some wheels until he sort our situation with EMI. But, its all good, were used to it.I mean, its not like this is the first time he sent back east to reconnect with our local roots while he’s off….Tending to Elton,  and Freddy.”

“Holy shit…” Multch said as his face mrphed into an astounded smile, and the rest of the band just started laughing in shock, and amazmnet. Thus, the lying started. As I started running my mouth, about all the trail blazing , groundbbreakingly iconic things Mack Lasher his Bad Decisons had already done for rock n roll.  Such an establshibed band as they were, naturally felt left out not having heard of us, and our long history of exploits. I was on a roll, I knew so

many of these lies were insane, stupid, proovly false, and just plain unfathoble. And yet they lapped it all up, every word. 

“Yeah, I have 7 platinum records, but my ex is holding them hostage in her Malibu Vilva! Jokes on her, I  got the kids”

“I made a sex tape with Boy Gorge”

“Yeah, I had cancer but beat it becuase of the power of rock n roll. 

“Yes the rumors and tabloids are true, I can play every instrutemnt. Except the triangle”

“I can speak fluent German and French, and sign language, witch came in handy back when I ran that def herfuim in purge, summer of 79’”

“I Prefromed a rock conert on mount everest.

“Bad disions were on the cover of playboy, totally nude…yeah, little birdy told me they found a copy in Pat Bentatr’s dressing room!”

“I am a multi-millnore, used to be a billionaire but you know it is…charity is just, so important”

“Im an ex priest. and practicing Shaman ”

“I run the worlds biggest  Adiction recovery clinic for rock stars and professional gamblers” 

“I had backstage affair with Kirk Cobain, witch ended in heartbreak and several missing children, it’s a long story…”

“I am in the rock n roll hall of fame, though It was a massiv let down science we were was inducted by Meatloaf, when we were promised Little richard.”

“I had a breif solo carrer as a R@B singer, a shake dancer, and the face of modern disco” 

“Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Iggy pop, Mark Bolan and Lou Reed all wrote songs about me. Me and Mark even recorded the soundtrack to a b-movie back in the day, but as these things go, you know, the production was hell, so the film was scrapped and soundtrack was never released.”

“Woah Wait, you know Mark?…that is wild. Man, What I would give to work with him just one more time. Athough we only played with him back when it was just him and Micke

“I am in the rock n roll hall of fame, though It was a massiv let down science we were was inducted by Meatloaf, when we were promised Little richard.”

“I had a breif solo carrer as a R@B singer, a shake dancer, and the face of modern disco” 

“Mick Jagger, David Bowie, Iggy pop, Mark Bolan and Lou Reed all wrote songs about me. Me and Mark even recorded the soundtrack to a b-movie back in the day, but as these things go, you know, the production was hell, so the film was scrapped and soundtrack was never released.”

“Woah Wait, you know Mark?…that is wild. Man, What I would give to work with him just one more time. Athough we only played with him back when it was just him and Micke

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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: