Monday, January 22, 2024

Update: Writers Rock Workshop, Improved Storylines, New Draft Ideas and More.

Blogpost written in 1/22/24

I Had my long-anticipated Writers Rock Workshop Today, 

The instructor was Amy (one of my first possibly The first, Writopiua instructors, I ever had, at the Dome in 2014/2013, she remembered me from back in the day we remissed, I told her I applied to work at Writopia over the summer with Nate my best friend, and she had many good ideas about my scene.

She read the sex scene first, one I hadn't touched in terms of editing on over a year in concept or literal re-writing so I knew she would have much to say about it in our workshop/

I wasn't disappointed, in short, she tour the Harvard aspect on, the subplot apart saying it made no sense in the Universe or in real life and the readers would tear it apart saying it would take people out of it and it directed from the true emotional conflict I was building up to. I explained I had been building up to both at the same time and perhaps that was a bad idea but it was a first draft after all. She suggested it would work better, for tone and character if in the sex scene to tie the music plot, together as well, if Lester 

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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: