Thursday, January 25, 2024

Lying Flatt: Book Two, (Love is a Battlefield.) Illustration List.

 Illustration chest List : For Book 2 

(Things Im doing to draw, I Plan to use more collage, mixed media and spend more time on the art for this one (Including album art) 

1. (Fake postcard to Kevin with word on the bottom that says Miss you already, with a pic with tour date, 1987) of Lester in the center of all four Roadies in their black RHCP roadie shirts, with the groupies, and the red hot chili peppers, posing outside massive tour bus, big snowy mountain, and sign that says welcome to Colrodo with Moosehead) 

2. Lester and Flea making out on a hill behind the hollwood sign glowing on them, with the little bushel of cocaine he smuggled him spilling out over a rock in the foreground. 

3. "Lester and Jude smoking around a campfire telling him to watchout for Flea, and quit while he's ahead with him. Lester calls him Jeslous (Incude a comic of Jude and Lester having a push and pull, 

(Lying Flatt best illustrations from older drafts:) 

Elijah /Lucien Brahmi 🥸🥸🫠🤟✍️🧠👨‍❤️‍👨🎩🐸💘 (@beauty_and_the_devil) • Instagram photos and videos

LF Sex/smut comic (Wally, Lester's first time having sex backstage at his show in book two) I submitted to lemonboymag | Instagram | Linktree in 2022. 

All Lying Flatt art I made for LF inspired short story I wrote for Addlin Inspired short story, for Freshman Final for fairytale Lit class.

The Comic based on a family lore story a dead cousin (Who died from aids/I never met) But who Met Peter gabirel at a cafe and make friends with him before realizing it was him a story I wanted to use for a funny scene in Lying Flatt, book two with Lenny when their struggling to make it as a band in book two but I changed it to Lou Reed. And adapted into a short story as well for my Prose workshop last , fall semester. 2023.

(All Art /illustration that's already IN the book is on my Instagram link above posted in order) 

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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: