Monday, January 15, 2024

Lying Flatt (Book Two) Research (Red Hot Chili Peppers on tour, Princton Uinvisity 1987, )

things to watch

Flea was experimenting with his secuality in the early days of the chilis (making his affair with Lester cemi plausible :)

 Flea Explains Why He Left Gay Past Out Of Memoir (

What it was like being a roadie? (for real and not so much)

funny things to keep in mind during the first part of the book/do more research into:

MTV/Headbangers ball

what other rock bands were active/on tour at the time

(Magzines charchters gotta be readings in every scene) Village Voice, NME, Empire, Q, Men, Blueboy, Esquire, playboy, Tiger Beat, Blast, Rock Scene, Smash Hits, 

What things does lester do/see that gives him the ideas/"rock star" clout for his Mack Lasher lies (I.E seeing and doing a lot of wild/behind the scenes shit that you can only know if you were truly there, to weave inbtween the bs, for later lies, as well as experience being a roaide, playing his music for them in between shows,no matter how abusrd he is. Spiffic things, like witch celebrities like each other, by spending alot of time in Hollywood he absobrs alot of different accents and persbolites for the first time and quickly learns how to fake them especially in a dire situation when he's alone, gets abandoned by the band needs to get into a club, he pretends to be a german producer named Hans Hands (forshowdoing for later in the book, when he does the full on identity theft spree)

He justifies by seeing how much "the man" aka ceo's, poltians at their shows and clubs lie, and are fucking up the country, remembering who he's rocking against, while having conversations with celebrities, he also talks with every day people and fans of the chillies, working class people just like him who are being fucked over by the man and love the chillies music, rock n roll for different reasons -but it reminds lester what he's doing it all for, and that he will never sell out, and let his music become corpate goop, rock n roll is for the people and has an edge for a reason it was meant to fuck shit up, and as he sees more of amercia and more of the "man" fucking shit up, and more of bands playing with, around them even bands their taking the place of in more radical movements like punk rock, blues, or ancharsit punk, hip hop, etc, all he can think is any amount of lying is justified if it means rocking against those fuckers ruining the world, the Ragans, and Kissgingers, (he also gets politically schooled!) but what he takes away from it, is HE'S the guy to change the world through rock, maybe even punk rock, when the tour is over, and his peers not even his idols are being bold and outrageous enough, he was gonna shake things up, no matter who would get in his way, even if he had to lie a lil about his past along the way. So that was, his driving force, before everything goes to shit when they get to California. 


Red hot chili peppers performances /appearnces /interviews 1987 tour :

Red Hot Chili Peppers 1987-08-07 The Late Show, Los Angeles, CA [PRO #1] (

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Missouri 1987 (Full Show) (

Short history of the chili peppers :

The red hot chili peppers profomed NAked (socks on cocks) (reminder Lester is super turned on they still have some shows like this on this tour:

Red Hot Chili Peppers 1987 first tour look (how they look on tour with Lester)

Red hot chilis insporation.

Under The Bridge - The Red Hot Chili Peppers Story┃Documentary (

Red hot chili Peppers lore: (plotlines for the chillies ideas in book two)

SInce anthony Keddis in real life had a drug addiction to herioin (timelines match up) that almost destroyed his life, (constnaly leaving running off tour to find drugs, the band forced him to go ro rehab or quit, ect.) during the time of Lester being on tour with them

Instead of an early idea of having the conflict that forces Lester to be kicked off the tour, early, be Flea is spending too much time romantically and he makes him a drug dealer for him and the band and it makes flea distracted drawing a rift between him and the band who force Flea to let him go

What if, instead, for Lester’s arch, Flea tells anthony he’s sleeping with this Roaide not a groupie but he’s like crazy about him and there still be the conifct during the tour as Lester’s Flea’s favroite, doing all these drugs and crazy things to please him spending more time with flea away from the band and Jude/the other roadies, Anthony is jealous and mad at Flea…and the rest of the band for making the ulmiatum about sending him to Rehab, (fudge timelines for dramatic effective, narrative ect) So instead what if Anothy Jelous of Lester and having motive due to the tensions with his band over cracking down on him for his serious Heroin addiction, is the one who makes Lester the mule, teaching him how to buy drugs from sellers (just as his dad would have) and showing him the dark underbelly of hollywood, and the music industry witch density comes back later, and Lester goes along with it but anthony basically blackmails Lester to lie to Flea, that he’s doing this, (Helping Anothy get drugs, lying to flea about it while still sleeping with him and having a relationship with him basically behind the scenes while being a roadie, all the while lying to all of them that he’s a famous rock star “Mack Lasher” and has seen all this before…when really he’s freshly 18 year old kid so wildy out of his depth. Because to tie it into the Atalata show (When Lester and the other roadies form a band, an end up filling in for the opener who dropped out, he writes a song that in a very obvious metaphor basically spells out exactly what’s going on and Flea know’s, so he kicks Anothy out of the band but before he does he explains everything to Flea, but he lies and says that Lester kept him on heroin and was doing it on the side himself, and hiding it from you because he knew how Flea felt about it so, also drops the hint Mack Lasher isnt who he says he is, getting the hint it would be good to get out anyway before his cover could be blown, so Anthony is given a second chance (sent to rehab) Lester get’s heartbroken for the second time this time by his lifelong rock n roll idol, by Flea, his favroite person in the world since he could remember, by someone by this point he truly was in love with and wanted to stay with and be with, over some drugs and lies, Like rubin this just renforces in his mind as he is, even though he wasnt fully himself with Flea he still gave too much of himself away, told him too much like bonding over their love of cetrian bands, and abusive drunk fathers. But now what he takes away also, dont trust your idols,dont trust anyone,  become better then them. Also he himself gets deepr into drugs to cope, mostly Weed since he secretly kept most of what anothy made buy, after being kicked off the tour before having to return to princon in shame, says goodbye to Jude and promises their Roaide band will ruinite and Jude is welcome after the tour with him to join his band anytime, jude thanks him (Jude who he also slpet with is sad to see him go, warned him not to get too close to the band) -that would be a superior, plotline.

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1# Writing Self Asssement

Litatrary Magzines, List of ones I should submit too.

 List of litrarary magzines I will submit to this month only free ones:  SUbmit short stories from published collection: